
Marie Madeleine II

Le synode des évèques anglicans en Angleterre a décidé d'autoriser les femmes a devenir évêques.
Les femmes pouvaient deja devenir pretres dans la religion anglicane.
Je propose pour la premiere femme évêque le surnom de Marie Madeleine II...
Par contre, cette décision d'accepter des femmes eveques doit maintenant encore etre adoptee par l'assemblee legislative de l'Angleterre... et ensuite acceptee par la Reine.
On est en Angleterre? ou en Arabie Saoudite...?
Il serait temps que l'Angleterre abandonne sa religion d’état, et laisse toute sa liberté d'action au synode des évêques anglicans.

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The Synode of the Anglican Bishops in England has decided that women were authorised to become bishops. Women can already become priests in the Anglican religion.
I propose that the first woman named bishop takes the name of Marie Madeleine II...
Mind you, this decision still remains to be approved now by the Legislative Assembly of England, and then accepted by the Queen.
Where are we, in England? or in Saudi Arabia...?
It is about time that England abandons its State religion, and gives back all its freedom of action to the Synod of the Anglican bishops!

Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.

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