
Age mental? Mental age?


5 ans...? l'age mental des presidents de Corée du Nord et des USA...?
Le president de la Corée du Nord a dit qu'il a le bouton rouge nucléaire sur son bureau.
Le president américain lui a immédiatement répondu (via Twitter) que le sien etait plus gros...
S'ils en arrivent un jour a parler de leurs attributs personnels... j’espère qu'il n'y aura pas de photos...
De toutes façons le president american dirait que ces nouvelles sont fausses je suppose...

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5 years old...? mental age of the Presidents of North Korea and the USA?
The President of North Korea said that he had on his desk the red nuclear button.
The President of the USA answered immediately (via Twitter) that his was bigger...
If one day they come to comparing some personal attributes... I hope there will be no pictures attached...
Anyway, the American President would call it fake news I guess...

Thank for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.

Offer yourself (5 CAD) " Travel to the west - The Legend of the Wolf"

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