
Arabie Saoudite / Saudi Arabia

Tout arrive... il suffisait de demander...
Le roi Abdallah d'Arabie Saoudite, a denonce, dans son message de Ramadan Samedi dernier, les "terroristes" qui attaquent en ce moment le gouvernement et l'armee irakienne (shiites), et qui cacheraient leurs interets prives derriere la religion. Il a promis de tout faire pour proteger les citoyens d'Arabie Saoudite contre ces terroristes.
Mais... ces terroristes controlent maintenant plus de la moitie de l'Irak, et... de la Syrie. Et n'oublions pas que Ben Laden qui a inspire tous ces groupes etait d'Arabie Saoudite et que son premier combat etait contre la royaute d'Arabie Saoudite (qui le mit dehors), au nom d'une religion sunnite qui serait plus proche du peuple, et grace a une lecture choisie de certains versets du Coran.
Bravo pour avoir denoncé ces "sunnites" egares, car le roi d'Arabie Saoudite est egalement l'autorite religieuse de son pays.
Au moins il est clair maintenant que l'Arabie Saoudite est prete a armer tout ceux qui s'opposeront a ces terroristes djihadistes.
Vous allez voir que l'Arabie Saoudite va maintenant accepter un regime shiite en Irak... en echange d'un depart du fils Assad de Syrie et un regime sunnite approuve en Syrie.
Bravo, il etait temps que le Moyen Orient trouve ses propres solutions, sans les Etats Unis, et que l'Iran et l'Arabie Saoudite reconnaissent que leur ennemi commun est une lecture radicale et terroriste du Coran, lecture contre laquelle ils doivent s'allier... pour l'instant...

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It happened... we just had to ask for it...
The King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia has denounced, in his message for Ramadan last Saturday, the "terrorists" who attack presently the Irak government and army, and who are hiding their personnel interests behind religion. He has promised to to everything to protect the citizens of  his country against these terrorists.
But... these terrorists control by now half of Irak and... of Syria. And don't forget that Ben Laden who inspired all these groups was from Saudi Arabia and that his first war was against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (from which it was expelled), in the name of a Sunnite religion which would be closer to the people, and thanks to a chosen reading of some paragraphs of the Koran.
Bravo for having denounced these lost "Sunnites", as the King of Saudi Arabia is also the religious authority in his country.
At least it is clear now that Saudi Arabia is ready to give weapons to those who will oppose these terrorists djihadists.
Wait and see... Saudi Arabia could now accept a Shiite government in Irak... in exchange of the departure of the son Assad in Syria, and an approved Sunnite regime in Syria.
Bravo, it was time that the Middle East find its own solutions, without the USA, and that Iran and Saudi Arabia recognize that their common enemy is a radical and terrorist reading of the Koran,  reading against which they must join forces... for now...

Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.

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