
* Le monde de demain / Tomorrow's world


Le virus COVID19 pourrait bien faire un million de morts dans le Village, plus ou moins.
Mais un petit rappel...

Il y a eu la premiere guerre mondiale en 1914-1918 et ses millions de morts.
Alors les nations ont créé la Société des Nations L'objectif était que cette guerre soit la dernière des dernières en créant un espace ou les nations pourraient se rencontrer et dialoguer... C’était sans compter sur la mégalomanie et la folie d'un dictateur et son art pour exacerber les peurs de l’étranger et vanter la suprématie de son pays. Je parle bien sur... de Hitler et de l'Allemagne nazie (retrouver la grandeur de l'Allemagne après la défaite de 1918).

Alors on a eu la seconde guerre mondiale entre 1939 et 1945 et ses millions de morts, guerre qui a débute sur fond de depression mondiale et effondrement des economies avec le crash des années 30s.

Pres de deux ans après le debut des hostilités en Europe, des envahissements et des camps d'extermination, les Etats Unis ont fini par declarer la guerre au Japon qui les avait attaqué a Pearl Harbour. En accord avec son traite d'alliance avec le Japon, Hitler a alors declare la guerre aux USA. Alors les USA ont mis en marche leur effort de guerre et ont fabrique et livre aux allies différents équipements militaires, avant de préparer le débarquement des allies sur les cotes françaises.
Les Nations Unies vont rester cet espace de rencontre et de dialogue entre les nations.
Les USA et le dollar américain vont alors entamer leur age d'or.

Mais pour la lutte contre le virus COVID19 oubliez l'effort de guerre américain et l'aide aux autres pays du Village... le Trumpistan pourrait bien être le dernier pays du monde occidental a s'en remettre, la faute a leur manque de prévoyance (capacité de tester les gens) et a leur president (declarations loufoques, deni de reconnaissance de la situation et mégalomanie).

Dans les années 80s nous avons eu... l’effondrement du mur de Berlin et le recul ou l'adaptation des ideologies communistes, mais pas de millions de morts, grace a la dissuasion nucléaire. Je te tiens, tu me tiens, par la barbichette...
Les hommes ont alors trop pris confiance dans leur capacité a planifier et bâtir leur futur et leur capacité a négotier et a écouter les autres pays.

Aujourd’hui, le monde est arrivé en fin d'un cycle et en train de changer sous nos yeux sous l'effet conjugué de plusieurs facteurs.
- Le Village est malade du réchauffement climatique et du manque d'attention des hommes, qui n'ont pas endigue a temps les energies fossiles. Il y a et il y aura un lourd prix a payer.
- Les hommes politiques ont abandonne leur pouvoir au monde de la finance sans réaliser que la bourse des actions des sociétés a été créée pour aider les entreprises a investir a long terme (1 an ou plus) et a créer de la valeur. Alors que nous sommes rendus maintenant dans les mains des casinos financiers ou le long terme est de un mois sans aucune creation de valeur. Il faut séparer les casinos financiers et la bourse, et taxer les gains des casinos financiers a 50% ou plus.
- La distribution des richesses dans le Village continue de privilégier les puissants et les riches dans tous les pays. Depuis la nuit des temps... ah bon... pas étonnant que les revolutions continuent d’apparaître ici et la...
- Les virus dans les oceans s'attaquent apparemment aux organismes qui abusent de leur pouvoir en s'attaquant a la diversité des oceans en tuant les plus faibles. Le virus COVID19 pourrait bien avoir le meme effet, en forçant le Village a repenser la valeur de la diversité et la distribution des richesses.

La creation de richesses et de valeur, et leur répartition entre les habitants du Village ne peuvent plus se satisfaire de l’égoïsme américain et de sa loi du plus fort et du plus riche, ou des abus de pouvoir des regimes communistes.
Le futur est en marche et pourrait bien a mon avis se dessiner entre l'Europe et la Chine d'aujourd'hui, sans le dollar américain, et oubliez le Trumpistan. Sauf si leur elections de Novembre les ramènent a plus de raison...

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The virus COVID19 might kill one million people in the Village, plus or minus.
But a little reminder...

There was the first world war in 1914-1918 when millions of people died.
So the nations created the Society of Nations. The objective was to make sure that that war would be the last of the last by creating a place where the nations could meet and talk... That was without counting on the megalomania and the foolishness of a dictator and his art for exacerbating the fears of his fellow citizens and promote the supremacy of his country. I am talking of course of...  Hitler and Nazi Germany (Make Germany Great Again after the defeat of 1918).

So we ended up with the second world war between 1939 and 1945 and millions of people killed, a war which started on a background of world economic collapse with the crash of the years 1930s.

Around 2 years after the start of the wars in Europe, the invading of countries and the death camps, the USA finally declared war to Japan which had attacked them at Pearl Harbour. In line with its pact with Japan, Hitler then declared war to the USA. Then the USA started their war efforts and made and gave the allies a lot of various military equipment, before preparing with them the D-Day on the French coast.
The United Nations are going to stay this place necessary for the nations to meet and dialog
The USA and the US dollar are then going to embark on a golden age.

But for the fight against the virus COVID19, forget the war effort of the USA and helping the other countries in the Village... The Trumpistan could well be the last western democracy to get over it, thanks but no thanks to their lack of foresight (capacity to test the people) and to their President (crazy declarations, denying of the situation and megalomania).

In the 80s years we had... the collapse of the Berlin wall and the back track or the the adaptation of the communist ideologies, but no millions of deaths thanks to the nuclear threat. I am holding your chin, you are holding mine.
Men then became over confident in their ability to plan and build their future and their capacity to negotiate and listen to the needs and arguments of other countries.

Today, the world has arrived at the end of a cycle and is changing in front of our eyes under the effects of many factors.
- The Village is sick, with the climate warming and the lack of paying attention and not stopping sooner the fossile energies. There is and there will be a price to pay.
- Political people have abandoned their power to the finance world without realizing that the stock market  was created to help businesses to invest in the long term (1 year or more) and create value. While nowadays we are now in the hands of the financial casinos where the long term is one month and there is no creation of value. We must separate the stock market and the financial casinos and tax the financial casinos up to 50% or more.
- The distribution of the wealth created in the Village keeps on benefiting the powerful people and the richest, in all the countries. Since... for ever... of well... no wonder revolutions still happen here and there...
- The virus in the oceans apparently attack the organisms which abuse of their power by attacking the diversity of the oceans and killing the weakest. The virus COVID19 could well have the same effect, and force the Village to rethink the diversity and the distribution of the wealth.

The creation of wealth and value, and its distribution between the inhabitants of the Village cannot tolerate anymore the American selfishness and its law of the strongest and the richest win, or the abuse of power in the communist regimes.
The Future is upon us and in my opinion could well be decided and designed between Europe and today's China, without the American dollar, and forget Trumpistan. Unless their November elections bring them back to their senses.

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*** COVID19 Pour aider / TO help

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** COVID19 1 of 1 - Re-post with picture

REPOSTING CODVID19 1 of 11 and added a picture at the bottom...
But read all 11 if you have some time, in the order, startig with 1 of 11...

As per others experience and what I understand… Stay safe and healthy… and get a laugh every day!

-          No visits to old people homes, clinics and hospitals.
-          No gathering of 10 people or more, so all sport / cultural events cancelled / postponed
-          Keep social distancing (1 to 2 m)
-          Stay home unless you must go out for work, health reason or shopping for food.
-          Go out though for a walk, for mental fitness and minimum physical activity.
-          Keep the children at home, close schools and Universities
-          Close beaches, parks and bar – restaurants (take out of course allowed). Think about a curfew if your citizens are not following measures recommended, like 8 pm to 6 am.
-          Wash your hands for 20 seconds very often, every time you come in contact with outdoor materials
-          Get tested if you meet the requirements – no systematic testing if not enough tests available in your country, but good idea as soon as enough test kits are available, starting with people more at risk (like old age and pre-condition)
-          Keep a priority for the masks for the health personnel and the emergency or response people (police, firemen, truckers, shop cashiers, etc…). But you can wear a homemade mask, the main benefit being to avoid touching your face with your fingers!
-          And, if you can, do not forget the religious and helpful various associations, they depend on your donations…   


IN RED: Zero chance

IN BLUE: Zero chance, but in blue...

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COVID19 - 11 of 11 Annex CDC FDA Tests...

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ANNEX – FDA – CDC – TESTS (Business Review)

Government officials should have moved much more quickly to bring on expertise from outside the CDC.
At the beginning, U.S. efforts to develop a diagnostic test for the corona virus kept pace with the rest of the world.
Shortly after publication of the virus’s genome in early January, German researchers announced they had designed a diagnostic test. Then, within days, scientists at the CDC said they’d developed one, too, and even used it detect the first U.S. case.
From there, however, U.S. efforts fell quickly behind, especially when compared with the efforts of the WHO, which has distributed more than 1 million tests to countries around the world based in part on the method developed by the German researchers.
As early as Feb. 6, four weeks after the genome of the virus was published, the WHO had shipped 250,000 diagnostic tests to 70 laboratories around the world, the agency said.
By comparison, the CDC at that time was shipping about 160,000 tests to labs across the nation — but then the manufacturing troubles were discovered, and most would be deemed unusable because they produced confusing results. Over the next three weeks, only about 200 of those tests sent to labs would be used, according to CDC statistics.

The U.S. efforts to distribute a working test stalled until Feb. 28, when federal officials revised the CDC test and began loosening up FDA rules that had limited those who could develop corona virus diagnostic tests.
During that critical interval, the CDC repeatedly assured the public that progress was being made, even as public health officials around the country began to raise alarms about the shortage of tests.
On Feb. 21, Messonnier acknowledged problems with the testing kitsbut described the issues as “normal.”
But by that point, public health labs around the nation had run very few of the CDC tests, according to the agency. Health officials across the country began pleading for a test that worked, or at least the authorization to use another test.
Finally the FDA relaxed its testing rules on Feb 29.
Many of the state public health labs had also figured out how to use the CDC test properly — by tossing one of its components — but were not allowed to actually do so until the FDA approved the work
“We had all these state public health labs that had a perfectly good [test] on their hands, and they knew it, they were upset,” Greninger said.

Thomas Frieden, an infectious disease physician who served as CDC director under former president Barack Obama, called on Sunday for an “independent group” to investigate what went wrong with the CDC’s testing process. He said that in the past, the CDC moved quickly to produce tests for diseases such as H1N1, or swine flu.
“We were able to get test kits out fast,” Frieden said on CNN. “Something went wrong here. We have to find out why so we can prevent that in the future.”
Frieden said the agency has been somewhat muzzled under President Trump.


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COVID19 - 10 of 11 Up to March 20, 2020

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Trump finally changed his tone after being shown statistical models about the spread of the virus from other countries, receiving the Congress demand to act upon the Defense production Act, having probably received a translation of the French President speech, BUT MOSTLY after being rattled by the plunge in the stock market (36% plunge over 5 weeks, already under the levels when he took over in January 2016, and possibly not bottomed yet)
March 16 (T) “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has to do more”
March 17 (T) “Failing Michigan Governor must work harder and be much more proactive. We are pushing her to get the job done”
March 17 (T) “Federal government is working very well with the governors and State officials. Good things will happen”
March 17 (T) “I have always known this is a real – this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic” (Your choice: laugh or cry…)

March 18 Trump announced that 2 military navy hospitals were ready to come, in tip top shape, and to help within a few weeks. But the ship on the East coast is undergoing repairs in Norfolk, for weeks.

March 18 Trump announced that he was using the Defense production Act and the government had ordered 500 millions masks (N95 respirators) due to the shortage announced by every health facility.

March 19 Trump said that the FDA had approved the anti-malaria rug for fighting the virus, as well as another miracle drug.
The FDA commented that both drugs needed first a large pragmatic clinical trial, which would take some time (months).

March 19  NY City: 10,000 corona virus tests made on Thursday, with 2,950 confirmed positive. 
March 19 Florida closed bars and night clubs and closed many beaches
March 20: 70 millions people in the USA are now under stay home orders (California, New York, Illinois i.e. big cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, NYC and Chicago)
March 20 USA closed the borders for tourists from Canada and Mexico, with approval of both countries
March 20. NY City. 43 people have already died and there is now one death every hour. Around 6,000 people have now been diagnosed with the virus.

March 21. NY City mayor is complaining why is the President waiting to order the army to come and help in NYC? Like done in France.

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COVID19 - 9 of 11 March 2020

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March 2 Tony Fauci, NIAID director, told CNN he was concerned that “as the next week or two or three go by, we're going to see a lot more community-related cases.”
March 2 (T) “We had a great meeting today with a lot the great companies and they are going to have vaccines I think relatively soon”
March 2 Tony Fauci, NIAID director repeats that vaccines will take a year to 18 months.
March 5 Vice President Mike Pence “we don’t have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward."
March 6 (T) Anybody that needs a test gets a test. They are there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful”
March 9 (T) “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common flu. It averages between 27 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life and the economy go on”
Hours later, Santa Clara County banned large public gatherings.

March 10 (T) “And we are prepared, and we are doing a great job with it. And it will go away, just stay calm. It will go away”
March 10 Surgeon General Jerome Adams warned “This is likely going to get worse before it gets better.”
March 11. The NBA suspended its season. The NHL, MLB and NCAA soon followed.

March 12 (T) “ It is going to go away… the USA, because of hat I did and what the administration did with China, we have 32 deaths at this point… When you look at the kind of numbers coming out of other countries, it is pretty amazing when you think of it”
March 12 Vice-President Mike Pence said “We’ll have thousands of more cases”
March 13 Congress democrat leaders signed a petition asking the president to invoke the Defense production act to start asking companies to produce health equipment necessary. New York has 5,000 respirators but is afraid to need as much as 30,000.
March 15 President of France Macron said he will call President Trump Monday morning to announce together measures for all the G7 countries.
I am assuming call went ahead but Trump refused the measures? So President Macron announced the measures for France on Monday March 16 at 2 pm France time. A resume:

France is at war...
French people should stay home, except for reason of health, reason of work (if cannot work from home) and reason to go shopping for food.
He is asking the army to help move people sick towards less over loaded hospitals.
The Army will install a  temporary mobile military hospital in Alsace
He is suspending the payment of taxes, rents, water an electricity bills.
He also guarantees revenue to those who don’t have any more resources.
He is keeping in priority all the masks for the health personnel, including the family doctors
He is going to help the health personnel with free guard of their children
And Europe is also closing its borders to non-residents from Europe.

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COVID19 - 8 of 11 February 2020

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On February 3 the USA had 11 cases of virus including 3 in California. Trump closed the borders to those having visited China in the past 2 weeks.
Early February Matthew Pottinger deputy national security adviser called for a more forceful response to the threat of the virus.
And Robert Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response — who was joined by intelligence officials, including from the CIA — told committee members that the virus posed a “serious” threat. Kadlec didn’t provide specific recommendations, but said that to get ahead of the virus and blunt its effects, Americans would need to take actions that would disrupt their daily lives. “It is very alarming.”

February 10 (T) “I think the virus is going to be — it’s going to be fine”.
February 14 (T) “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”
February 19 (T) “I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that type of a virus.”
February 24 (T) “The Corona virus is very much under control in the USA. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!
February 25 (T) “You may ask about the corona virus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are getting better. They are all getting better… As far as what we are doing with the new virus, I think that we are doing a great job.”

February 25 National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow: We have contained this, I won’t say airtight, but pretty close to it. We have done a good job in the USA.”

February 25, Nancy Messonnier, a senior CDC official, sounded perhaps the most significant public alarm to that point, when she told reporters that the corona virus was likely to spread within communities in the United States and that disruptions to daily life could be “severe.”
But… Trump called Alex Azar on his way back from a trip to India and complained that Messonnier was scaring the stock markets, according to two senior administration officials.

February 26 (T) “And again when you have 15 people and the 15 within a couple of days is going to go down close to zero, that is a pretty good job we have done”
Same day, CDC Director Robert Redfield commented: “it would be prudent to assume this pathogen will be with us for some time to come.”

February 28 (T) “It is going to disappear. One day, it is like a miracle, it will disappear”

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COVID19 - 7 of 11 January 2020

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(taken from NY Times, Washington Post and Business review)

On January 3 the Director of the CDC in Atlanta had discussions with Chinese health officials about the virus and alerted the government Health secretary, Alex Azar.
January 18 Health secretary Alex Azar could finally get access to Trump by phone and warned him about the virus. Apparently Trump was only concerned about when the vape products could be authorised again on the market.
January 21 - first case of virus confirmed in the USA.

January 22 - China warns not to travel to Wuhan, Wuhan people cannot travel outside city and should avoid gatherings and stay home. China reported that there had been 440 cases and 17 deaths, a noticeable increase from the day before when there were only 300 cases and six deaths.
January 22 Trump (T) “We have it totally under control; it is going to be just fine”.
Week of January 22. The USA brought back home all their diplomats based in the Wuhan region.

January 24 (T) “China has been working very hard to contain the Corona virus. “ “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi”
Some of Trump’s advisers were encouraging him to be tougher on China as at first teams from the CDC were not allowed into the country.

January 27 White house advisers put pressure on the White House chief of staff to take the virus seriously as it could cause Trump his re-election, but Trump said that the virus had not really touched America.
End of January, the US Intelligence agencies were reporting daily about the Covid-19.
The chairman of the US Senate Intelligence committee, who saw all their reports, Republican senator Richard Burr (North Carolina) sold dozens of stock shares worth between 60 k and 1.7 million $.

January 30 (T) “We think we have it very well under control we have very little problem in this country at the moment – five people. And those people are recuperating successfully. But we are working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”
The CDC confirmed the first person-to-person transmission in the United States. But CDC Director Robert Redfield says “the immediate risk to the American public is low.”

However on January 30 the WHO declared the virus an International Health emergency for matter of concern with the COVID19 (80,000 cases in the world and 2,600 deaths already).
On January 31 Health secretary Alex Azar declared the Covid-19 a national public health emergency for the USA. 
He also said that the appreciates China’s effort and coordination with world public health officials.

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* COVID19 - 6 of 11 USA presidential elections 101

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The Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the USA should make it a requirement for being a candidate for the presidential election under their label that the candidate must have already been elected at least ONCE to a public office under the label of their party.

Both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders would not have qualified for the 2016 election… and would have to offer their candidacy under an “independent” label, i.e. far right or far left independent labels…

Donald Trump never got elected into a public office before the 2016 election.
Bernie Sanders always got elected under a label "INDEPENDENT", refusing the label of the Democratic Party for his election as a senator of Vermont.

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COVID19 - 5 of 11 Class action against lying leaders

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3. In France, 600 doctors and health personnel have launched a class action against the French prime minister and the health minister for “national lying” and not taking timely the proper measures, like doing everything necessary to get more tests done and get more masks.
article 223-7 du code pénal, « quiconque s'abstient volontairement de prendre ou de provoquer les mesures permettant, sans risque pour lui ou pour les tiers, de combattre un sinistre de nature à créer un danger pour la sécurité des personnes est puni de deux ans d'emprisonnement et de 30 000 euros d'amende ».

5. President Trump can expect the same lawsuit as in France to happen against him, damaging him politically but maybe also his personal finances… The thing the Americans cannot stand the most is lying… So… the best defense is to attack… which he likes best, attacking…

March 21 he accused China not to have told him in time about the virus and to have been very secretive (see below)…! And he has started blaming US governors and mayors for not reacting… Anyone but me…

Trump downplayed the importance of the virus from middle of January until March, when the stock market finally caught him… going down from 29,835 in the middle of February (at least from February 21) to 19,174 by March 20, first day of spring, i.e. close to 36% in 5 weeks.  The more he was claiming that he was confident and was doing a great job, the more the stock market was going down, showing the limits of his tactics over the last 3 years.

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* COVID19 - 4 of 11 Europe vs USA

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4. ITALY. On March 18 a small town in Italy (3300 people) announced that they have zero cases of virus now, after having tested everybody at the end of February and imposed quarantine measures!

Germany. You wonder why Germany has lots of fewer deaths caused by the virus? Apparently as soon as the virus genome was identified (early January) by the Chinese health authorities,  a private German doctor and his private company started to manufacture a new test, which they have produced more than 1.5 millions by end of February, which allowed Germany to test far better than a lot of other countries.

In USA, the CDC (center for Disease control) messed up the design and production of tests (see further below), and only after February 28 the FDA finally authorized the production of private tests other than the CDC ones… 6 weeks lost. An inquiry into CDC (and FDA?) is on going…
From mid-January until Feb. 28, fewer than 4,000 tests from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used, out of more 160,000 produced.
A US private company developed a test based on the German test (affiliate), but never got the authorization of the FDA. Some public State health laboratories also found out what was wrong with the CDC tests but could not fabricate/use them, as no approval received from the FDA.

It has been long-standing practice for CDC scientists in emergencies to develop the first diagnostic tests, in part because CDC has access to samples of the virus before others. Later, private companies that win FDA authorization can scale up efforts to meet demand.

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COVID19 - 3 of 11 USA MAAA...

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1. The USA is one of the countries the most in debt in the Village. But apparently, no problem, they will help their economy with 1 trillion or 2, including 50 billions to Boeing alone. Free money…
And think that 6 months ago Trump imposed custom taxes on European products because Europe was accused of having helped Airbus financially. Meanwhile Trump keeps refusing to name judges to the World Trade Organisation (WT – OMC) to make sure nobody can put the USA in court for commercial reasons… MAAA = Make America alone again…

It should be made clear though that any company receiving help from the government of the USA (or Europe or anywhere in the Village) should observe 3 rules for at least 10 years or until the money has been given back to the government:
-          One representative of the government must be on the board of directors with a right of veto, and the goal to ensure that the money injected will benefit ALL workers equally
-          No special bonuses to the managers for 10 years, only bonuses with the same percentage to be applied to ALL employees.
-          No buy back of actions allowed for 10 years (or more)

2. The PresidentTrump has offered to help North Korea. How about helping first New York City, California, Illinois?
The USA are still lacking all necessary health equipment and tests to fight properly the virus and are only this week finally starting to decide proper measures... How could they help anyone outside their borders before at least 4 weeks or more?

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* COVID19 - 2 of 11 How it started

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Early December 2019 the city of Wuhan discovered the first case of corona virus. A few more cases appeared along in December. Chinese doctors were muzzled by party leaders and told not to spread the news…
December 31, 2019. China alerted the WHO about pneumonia cases developing in Wuhan (8 millions)
March 2010: Some Chinese doctors who were reprimanded by Police in December 2019 have now been rehabilitated. The government has issued an official apology to them and their families. The central government has fired the mayor of the city and the governor, both high members of the communist party.
The centralisation of power in China has its pluses when they decide to do something; they can go quick and are followed by all citizens. But when people fear the publication of what they see as damaging truths to the image of the party, then things can clearly go wrong until the top realizes the issues and takes action.

Health issues should never be under any kind of news restriction, as every day counts. If spread news are proven wrong, then you can decide harsh sanctions against the people having spread the false news.

How the virus has spread
§  31 December 2019: China alerts the WHO about a spate of pneumonia-like cases in Wuhan
§  1 January: The seafood/animal market believed to be at the centre of the outbreak is closed
§  9 January: WHO says the infection is caused by a new type of corona virus
§  11 January: First death confirmed
§  13 January: Virus spreads abroad, with a suspected case in Thailand
§  16 January: A case in Japan is confirmed
§  17 January: Second death - a 69-year-old in Wuhan
§  20 January: Number of cases triples to more than 200, and outbreak spreads to Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai; third death confirmed; Chinese officials confirm human-to-human transmission
§  21 January: US authorities announce the first case in North America - a man who had visited Wuhan
§  22 January: Death toll climbs to 17, with more than 400 cases confirmed

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