Lundi 16 mars, 3 pm heure de Montreal.
Le president de la France, Mr Macron, a annoncé des mesures sans precedent pour la France.
La France est en guerre...
Il demande aux Francais de rester chez eux, sauf pour raison de sante, raison de travail (si pas possible de travailler de la maison) et raison de faire les courses alimentaires.
Il suspend le paiement des taxes, des impôts, des loyers, des factures d eau Electricité.
Il garantit aussi un revenu a ceux qui n auront plus de ressources.
Il va aussi réserver les masques au personnel soignant en priorité y compris les docteurs de famille
Et il va aider le personnel de sante en fournissant des gardes gratuites pour leurs enfants.
Et l'Europe ferme aussi ses frontières a tous les non residents Européens...
Le Quebec avait déjà pas mal annonce des mesures similaires, bravo.
Trudeau a annoncé cet après midi la fermeture du Canada aux non residents canadiens (sauf les USA), après pas mal de pression du Quebec, et sans doute après l annonce de Macron.
le president Trump va sans doute n'avoir pas le choix que de suivre le pas et annoncer des mesures similaires demain matin, le temps de traduire le discours de Macron.
PS: Si la majorité des entreprises marche au ralenti, pour sans doute plusieurs semaines, il serait sans doute sage de fermer les bourses qui traitent leurs actions...?!?!?!
Sauf que... les bourses sont devenues des casinos financiers et que c est dans ces moments que les parieurs vont s'en donner a cœur joie, determinant ainsi les espoirs de beaucoup d entreprises...
merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens.
Monday March 16, 3 pm eastern time.
The president of France, Mr Macron, has announced exceptional measures for France.
France is at war...
He asked French people to stay home, except for reason of health, reason of work (if cannot work from home) and reason to go shopping for food.
He is also asking the army to help move people sick towards less over loaded hospitals.
And he will install a temporary mobile military hospital in Alsace
He is suspending the payment of taxes, rents, water an electricity bills.
He also guarantees a revenue to those dont have any more resources.
He is also keeping in priority all the masks for the health personnel, including the family doctors
And he is going to help the health personnel with free guard of their children
And Europe is also closing its borders to non-residents from Europe
Quebec had already announced quite a few of these measures, bravo.
Trudeau (Canada Prime minister) has announced this afternoon the closing of the Canadian borders to all non residents in Canada (except the USA), after quite a bit of pressure from Quebec, and probably after the announces of Macron.
President Trump is probably going to have no choice than to follow suit and announce tomorrow morning similar measures, just the time to get a proper translation of Macron's speech.
PS: If a majority of companies are working at reduced speed, for quite a few weeks probably, it would be wise to close the stock markets which handle their shares, no...?!?!?!
Except that... the stock markets have become financial casinos and in these moments the people betting are having a ball making bets, ruining by the way the hopes of a lot of businesses...
Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians
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