
COVID19 - 7 of 11 January 2020

Recommend you start reading with COVIR19 1 of 1...

(taken from NY Times, Washington Post and Business review)

On January 3 the Director of the CDC in Atlanta had discussions with Chinese health officials about the virus and alerted the government Health secretary, Alex Azar.
January 18 Health secretary Alex Azar could finally get access to Trump by phone and warned him about the virus. Apparently Trump was only concerned about when the vape products could be authorised again on the market.
January 21 - first case of virus confirmed in the USA.

January 22 - China warns not to travel to Wuhan, Wuhan people cannot travel outside city and should avoid gatherings and stay home. China reported that there had been 440 cases and 17 deaths, a noticeable increase from the day before when there were only 300 cases and six deaths.
January 22 Trump (T) “We have it totally under control; it is going to be just fine”.
Week of January 22. The USA brought back home all their diplomats based in the Wuhan region.

January 24 (T) “China has been working very hard to contain the Corona virus. “ “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi”
Some of Trump’s advisers were encouraging him to be tougher on China as at first teams from the CDC were not allowed into the country.

January 27 White house advisers put pressure on the White House chief of staff to take the virus seriously as it could cause Trump his re-election, but Trump said that the virus had not really touched America.
End of January, the US Intelligence agencies were reporting daily about the Covid-19.
The chairman of the US Senate Intelligence committee, who saw all their reports, Republican senator Richard Burr (North Carolina) sold dozens of stock shares worth between 60 k and 1.7 million $.

January 30 (T) “We think we have it very well under control we have very little problem in this country at the moment – five people. And those people are recuperating successfully. But we are working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”
The CDC confirmed the first person-to-person transmission in the United States. But CDC Director Robert Redfield says “the immediate risk to the American public is low.”

However on January 30 the WHO declared the virus an International Health emergency for matter of concern with the COVID19 (80,000 cases in the world and 2,600 deaths already).
On January 31 Health secretary Alex Azar declared the Covid-19 a national public health emergency for the USA. 
He also said that the appreciates China’s effort and coordination with world public health officials.

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