

A Berlin (Allemagne), la municipalite a installe des frigidaires en acces libre.
Si vous partez en vacances et vous avez des denrees dans votre frigo, vous pouvez les deposer la. N'importe qui peut profiter de votre largesse, a commencer par les plus demunis.
Et bien entendu certains magasins de nourriture vont pouvoir disposer de certaines denrees non encore perimees dans ces frigos.

Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens.

In Berlin (Germany), the city has put a dew fridges in the street, in self service.
If you are going on vacation and have some food in your fridge, you can come and let them there in the fridge.
Anyone can take advantage of your gift, starting with those who don't have much.
And of course some food stores can dispose of some food not yet past expiring date in these fridges.

Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.

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