Un anglais a dénoncé sur YouTube la
disparition lente et programmée de la culture et des traditions anglaises,
malheureusement sans y ajouter des propositions concrètes. http://youtu.be/RWcVguB0GaY (avec sous-titres en français)
Il dénonce également l'islam comme une
religion mélangée a un systeme politique violent et barbare, avec pour preuve
les affrontements shiites - sunnites dans tout le Village, et il prédit des
affrontements similaires en Angleterre d'ici 2050 au plus tard. Il dénonce
l'application du mot "raciste" a toute personne de nos jours qui
essaye de protéger la culture de son pays contre l'invasion d'autres cultures,
et il accuse les libéraux anglais de trahison, a commencer par leur ancien
leader Mr Blair.
Sa vidéo aura au moins le mérite de faire
réagir les gens qui la verront. Espérons qu'ils réfléchiront aux moyens a
mettre en œuvre pour rendre la paix au Village...
- Les musulmans intelligents non violents existent par millions, il est
simplement dommage qu'ils ne se fassent pas entendre plus, même si certains le
font deja au péril de leur vie... Debout mesdames et messieurs musulmans
modérés, parlez haut et fort aux extrémistes dans vos rangs... vous calmerez
ainsi également la montée de l'islamophobie dans le Village. Vous avez peur de
devenir la cible de vos extrémistes religieux? Bienvenue au club, les citoyens
de votre pays d'accueil sont également tous des cibles potentielles de ces
- Les Chrétiens étaient également violents et barbares au moyen age quand
ils effectuaient les croisades ou s'entre-tuaient en France. "Tuez les
tous, Dieu reconnaitra les siens..." avait lancé le représentant de
l'Eglise catholique! Il a fallu attendre en gros le 18eme / 19eme siècle et la
separation des pouvoirs de la religion et de l'état pour que la France entre autres
trouve la paix religieuse.
Le 19eme siecle de la religion musulmane sera aux environs des années
2,500... plus que quatre siècles a attendre...! Vous voulez aller plus vite?
Il faut demander de tous les pays et religions du Village:
A- Une constitution instituant clairement la séparation des pouvoirs de la
religion et de l'état, et la reconnaissance des droits de l'homme, de la femme
et de l'enfant. Les pays qui n'adopteront pas ces pré-réquisits dans leur
constitution se verraient enlever leur droit de vote aux Nations Unies.
B- L'admission que Dieu a horreur de la guerre, n'a jamais soutenu une
armée au fil des siècles, et que tout assassinat d'un civil innocent non armé
est un crime passible de la prison a vie minimum. Je propose dans un bagne sur
une planète lointaine ou il y a beaucoup de cailloux a casser... pas dans une
prison avec la télévision et des installations sportives.
An Englishman has
denounced on YouTUbe the slow disapearing of the English culture and and
traditions, unfortunately without delivering any concrete proposals.
He also denounces
Islam as religion mixed to a violent and barbarous political system with the
example of the killing between Muslim Shiites and Sunnites in the whole
Village, and he predicts similar violence in England by 2050 at the latest. He
denounces the calling of someone a "racist" because this person is
trying to protect the culture of his country against the invasion of other
cultures, and he accuses the English Liberal party of treason, starting with
their former leader Mr Blair. His video will at least make people react.
Let's hope that the
viewers will think about the actions to put in place to bring back Peace in the
- Intelligent
non-violent Muslims exist by millions, and it is simply a shame that they do
not try to be hared more, although some are already doing it,
risking their lives...
Stand up ladies and gentlemen, speak high and clear to the extremists in your ranks... You will also calm down the rise of the islamophobia in the Village. You are afraid of becoming the target of your religious extremists? Welcome to the club, the citizens of your welcoming countries are also all potential targets of these extremists.
- Christians were also violent and barbarous in the middle ages when they were crusading to the Holy Land or were killing each other in France. "Kill them all. God will sort them out..." said the representative of the Catholic Church! One had to wait the 18th / 19th century and the separation of religion and state for France to find peace with religions. The 19th century of the Muslim religion will be around the years 2,500... only
four more centuries to wait...!
You want to go faster?
We should ask from all countries and religions in the Village:
A- A Constitution stating clearly the separation of power between State and Religion, and the recognition of the Human right for Men, Women and Children. The countries which would not adopt those in their constitution would not be allowed to vote at the United Nations.
Stand up ladies and gentlemen, speak high and clear to the extremists in your ranks... You will also calm down the rise of the islamophobia in the Village. You are afraid of becoming the target of your religious extremists? Welcome to the club, the citizens of your welcoming countries are also all potential targets of these extremists.
- Christians were also violent and barbarous in the middle ages when they were crusading to the Holy Land or were killing each other in France. "Kill them all. God will sort them out..." said the representative of the Catholic Church! One had to wait the 18th / 19th century and the separation of religion and state for France to find peace with religions. The 19th century of the Muslim religion will be around the years 2,500... only
four more centuries to wait...!
You want to go faster?
We should ask from all countries and religions in the Village:
A- A Constitution stating clearly the separation of power between State and Religion, and the recognition of the Human right for Men, Women and Children. The countries which would not adopt those in their constitution would not be allowed to vote at the United Nations.
B- To
recognise that God hates wars, has never been on the side of any army through
the centuries and that any killing of innocent civilian without any weapon is a
crime which will send you to minimum life in prison. I propose in a place on a foreign
planet where there are a lot of stones to dig and break... not in a jail with
television and gyms.
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