(en Francais ci-dessous)
The best friend of our daughter has just had a brain accident, in the USA. She is slowly getting out of it, and the doctors have ordered a rehab program in a hospital. Except that...
- her husband had just left her recently, leaving their little girl with her, but cutting them off his private medical insurance,
- she was looking for a job,
- her little girl was smart enough to call 911, allowing an emergency first aid crew to come quickly,
- the American hospital refuses to take her in until she can show up with a caution of 30,000 USD,
- Medicare, the USA medical insurance, is going to start a file, and she might be accepted in a few months or years... Still better be healthy and in good health in the USA... If you can help, please go to:
Most people give between 20 and 100 USD, and in one week she has already got more than 6,000 USD. Thanks for her in advance. You do have 20 USD, no? We are in a small Village after all...
Thanks for sharing this blog with ALL your friends and politicians.
* * * *
La meilleure amie de notre fille vient d'avoir un accident cerebral, aux Etats Unis. Elle s'en remet doucement, et les docteurs lui ordonnent une rehabilitation en milieu medicale. Sauf que...
- son mari l'a quitté recemment en lui laissant leur petite fille, mais en les coupant de son assurance médicale privée,
- elle était a la recherche d'un travail,
- sa petite fille a eu la presence d'esprit d'appeler 911, ce qui a permis aux sauveteurs d'intervenir rapidement,
- l'hopital américain refuse de la prendre en charge tant qu'elle n'aura pas versé une caution de 30,000 dollars,
- Medicare, l'assurance medicale aux USA va etablir un dossier, elle sera peut-etre acceptée dans quelques mois ou années... Il vaut toujours mieux être riche et en bonne santé aux USA...
Si vous pouvez aider, allez a:
La majorité des gens donnent entre 20 et 100 USD, et en une semaine elle a deja recolté plus de 6,000 USD. Merci d'avance pour elle, vous avez bien 20 USD...? On est dans un tout petit Village apres tout...
Sa photo:
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