Attendons de voir des soldats de Jordanie et d'Arabie Saoudite aller aider sur le terrain a faire reculer les exaltes du nouveau Califat.
Ce qui reportera a plus tard la resolution du vrai probleme, c'est a dire la laicite comme seule garantie de paix dans le Village.
Le Dalai Lama avait renoncé a toute fonction politique en 2012. Mais la clique de ses proches avait insinué qu'il n'avait pas voulu dire ca...!
Il vient de confirmer, et de recommander qu'il n'ait pas de successeur, donc que l'instituion du Dalai Lama cesse apres 450 ans, car elle avait fait son temps.
Pour la premiere fois dans l'histoire du Village, un chef politique et religieux coupe la branche sur laquelle il est assis au nom de la paix dans le Village et de la laicite qui lui est necessaire. Bravo. Mille fois bravo!
La reine d'Angleterre devrait lui emboîter le pas , pour le principe, et abandonner la te te de la religion anglicane...?
Et le roi d'Arabie Saoudite devrait leur emboiter le pas, et pourquoi pas cesser immediatement de subventionner des milliers d'ecoles dans le Village ou l'on enseigne un Coran qui ne donne pas la priorité absolue a la paix dans le Village, mais qui aime rappeler le sabre qui orne le drapeau national de l'Arabie Saoudite...
Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens.
The Great Mufti of Saudi Arabia has announced that the new Califat of Syria and Irak must be fought by all means. Before him, the king of Jordan had said the same thing. And lately the Arab League confirmed also their opposition. They all confirm what everyone kmew, ie that the objective of the new Califat is indeed to attack all the leaders of the Arab world who in their eyes are not appying a "pure" Islam, in fact more like barbaric from Middle Ages from what we can see.
Let's wait for seeing some soldiers from Jordan or Saudi Arabia come on the field to fight the exalted soldiers of the new Califat.
Which will delay by so much the resolution of the true issue, ie secularism as the only guarantee for peace in the Village.
The Dali Lama had renounced all political functions in 2012. But the gang around him had tried to say that he did not really mean it...!
And last year he had recommended to separate the political power and the religious / spiritual power everywhere in the Village to make way for peace in the Village... hint, about Islam...
He has just confirmed, and he is recommending that he should not have any successor, so the insitution of the Dalai Lama should stop after 450 years, it did its time.
For the first time in the History of the Village, a political and religious leader has sawed the branch he was sitting on, in the name of Peace in the Village and of Secularism which is necessary. Bravo. A thousand bravo.
The Queen of England should follow suit, for the principle, and quit the head of the Anglican Church?
And the King of Saudi Arabia should follow their examples, as well as immediately stop funding thousands of schools which do not give the priority to Peace in the Village, but like to remind everyone the saber which is shown on the national flag of Saudi Arabia...
Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.
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