Israel est jusqu’à ce jour officiellement "un état juif et démocratique", d’après leur Constitution.
14 ministres sur 22 viennent de voter pour soumettre au parlement israélien un projet de loi qui définirait Israel comme "l’état nation du peuple juif", abandonnant l'arabe comme deuxième langue officielle, et reléguant les citoyens non juifs (musulmans, chrétiens, athées) a un statut juridique different. Au revoir la démocratie...
Le premier ministre veut faire passer cette proposition de loi, mais bon, le president d'Israel a lui condamné cette initiative.
Mais bon, il me rappelle l'ancien president, Shimon Perez, un homme de paix, qui était pour la reconnaissance de la Palestine, mais n'a jamais rien fait pour promouvoir cette reconnaissance pendant les années de sa présidence... des presidents (israéliens ou américains) qui ne font que parler sans agir ont une lourde responsabilité face a l'histoire, non?...
Souvenez vous également que, sur les 200 pays que comptent l'ONU, plus de 130 pays reconnaissent aujourd’hui hui l’état de Palestine, et que les parlementaires de Suede, d'Angleterre, d'Espagne et de France, sont en cours d'adoption de telles resolutions, que leurs gouvernements reconnaîtront rapidement ou non.
Devant ce fait accompli, c'est a dire la reconnaissance de l’état palestinien par les 3/4 des pays membres a l'ONU, Israel a défié l'ONU depuis 4 ans en continuant ses extensions de colonies en territoire palestinien occupe, tout en criant haut et fort que la solution de deux pays n'est pas possible (mais alors pourquoi avoir expulsé 1.5 millions de palestiniens en 1947 sans reconnaître a l’époque l’état palestinien?) et Israel s’apprête a voter une loi qui reconnaîtra la primauté de la religion juive sur les institutions démocratiques.
La reconnaissance est celle d'un pays, pas d'un gouvernement ou d'un parti politique dans un pays.
La France reconnaîtrait-elle l’état d'Israel aujourd’hui si cela impliquait d'accepter les partis de l'extreme droite israélienne? je ne le pense pas...
Rendons nous a l'evidence: depuis... toujours... aucun pays dans le Village n'a pu concilier démocratie et religion d’état, et seule la laïcité a pu garantir la démocratie et la paix.
Tant que les pays arabes et sémites, y compris Israel, l'Arabie Saoudite et le Qatar, n'admettront pas cela, la paix dans le village restera un horizon éloigné. Très éloigné...
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Israel was officially until now a "Jewish and democratic country", as per their Constitution
14 ministers out of 22 have just voted to present to the Israeli Legislative Assembly a draft-law which would define Israel as "the Nation of the Jewish people", cancelling the Arab as the second official language, and relegating the non-Jewish citizens (Muslims, Christians, Atheists) to a different justice system. Bye bye democracy...
The Prime Minister is all for this proposed law, but the President of Israel is against it. But wait, he reminds me of the former President, Shimon Perez, a man of peace, who advocated the recognition of the State of Palestine, but never did anything to make it happen during all his years as President... Presidents who only talk but don't act do carry a heavy responsibility on front of History, no?...
Don't forget also that, among the 200 countries members of the United Nations, more than 130 of them already recognize officially Palestine as a State, and the Legislative Assemblies of Sweden, England, Spain and France are in the process of adopting such resolution. whether their government will recognize the State of Palestine quickly or not.
In front of this evidence, ie 3/4 of the countries members of the United Nations will have soon recognized the State of Palestine, Israel has confronted the United Nations over the last 4 years with more and more colonies in the Palestinian occupied territories,while shouting over the roof that a solution of two twin countries was not feasible (but then why did they moved 1.5 Palestinians in 1947 without recognizing the State of Palestine?) and Israel is getting ready to vote a law which will recognize the priority for the Jewish religion over the democratic institutions.
The proposal by some French politicians to give another 2 years to the Israel and Palestine to negotiate peace will not bear any other fruits than more colonies, and more violence. The countries which recognize the State of Palestine can very well in the same vote declare that Hamas is a terrorist organisation, both are not incompatible, contrary to what those who use this argument to keep their dream alive of the Great Israel, would like us to believe.
Recognizing a country is not recognizing its government or a political party of this country. Would France recognize Israel today if it meant to also to accept the Israeli extreme right political parties? I doubt they would...
Now if... in the SAME VOTE, Israel was to recognize their twin brother the State of Palestine, AND Israel as the Nation of the Jewish people, AND Hamas as a terrorist organisation, then... I would understand the vote.
Even if I would have preferred a single country with three provinces, Israel, Palestine, and Jordany, each with a declared specificity, a revolving Presidency, and some veto rights over certain aspects of this country.
Let's call a cat a cat... for... ever... no country in the Village was able to conciliate Democracy and State religion, and only secularism was able to guarantee Peace and Democracy.
As long as the Arab and Semite countries, like Israel and Saudi Arabia, will not admit this, Peace in the Village will remain a far reaching objective. Very far reaching...
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