Dans plusieurs pays européens, Donald Trump et Bernie Sanders se seraient presentes a la course a la présidence en candidats indépendants, ou après avoir créé leur propre parti politique, vu que leur programme est tres different des programmes connus des partis qu'ils cherchent a représenter, et vu que ni l'un ni l'autre n'a reçu un sou des riches supporters qui soutiennent habituellement ces candidats, tout un exploit pour ces deux candidats.
Donald Trump serait un candidat "populiste extreme droite", a droite du parti républicain.
Bernie Sanders serait un candidat "socialiste" a gauche du parti démocrate.
Et ils présenteraient un programme très different des candidats officiels des partis Républicain et Démocrate, a priori Ted Cruz et le couple Hillary / Bill Clinton.
Donald Trump dépenserait son propre argent, et aurait pointe du doigt le parti républicain officiel, en le déclarant déconnecté des réalités et du peuple...
Bernie Sanders aurait ramasse des fonds de ses supporters, un billet de 20 dollars a la fois, et aurait montre du doigt le parti démocrate en le déclarant déconnecté des réalités et du peuple...
La conclusion coule de source, non?
Les adversaires de Donald Trump et de Bernie Sanders ont raison, ils ne représentent pas les partis dont ils recherchent l'investiture... une revolution par en dedans...
Les citoyens américains ne font plus confiance a leurs partis républicain et démocrate, leurs rois et reines, leurs "amis" trop riches.
Au moins les citoyens des américains auraient pu avoir a choisir entre quatre candidats, entre leurs quatre programmes, en choisissant deux pour le vote final deux semaines plus tard. J'entends les citoyens, avec un vote par personne, comme dans les démocraties de la vieille Europe, pas avec le meme système de vote via un second college comme cet autre grand pays: la Chine.
En attendant, nous assistons en 2016 a un spectacle dans lequel deux candidats sont a couteaux tires avec la direction du parti qu'ils cherchent a représenter... seulement aux Etats Unis...?
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In many countries I know in Europe, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders would have run for the presidency of their country as independent candidates, or after having organised their own political party, since their program is quite different from the ones liked by the parties they are trying to represent, and since none of them received a penny from the usual rich supporters of these two parties, quite an achievement for both.Donald Trump would be labelled as "far right populist", on the right of the Republican party.
Bernie Sanders would be labelled as "socialist", on the left side of the Democratic party.
And they would ran, with a very different program, against the official candidates of the Republican and of the Democratic parties, presumably Ted Cruz and the couple Hillary / Bill Clinton.
Donald Trump would have spent his own money, and would have fingered out the old Republican party as out of touch with reality and the needs of people...
Bernie Sanders would have collected money from his fans, one banknote at a time, and would have fingered out the old Democratic party as out of touch with reality and the needs of the people.
The conclusion is pretty obvious, no? The adversaries of Donald Trump and of Bernie Sanders are right, they do not represent the parties they are trying to win the nomination of... a revolution from the inside...
The American citizens have lost confidence in the Republican and the Democratic parties, their kings and queens, and their too rich cronies.
At least the citizens of the USA could have chosen between the four candidates, between their four programs, leaving the two who arrived first for the final vote 2 weeks later. I mean the citizens, with one person equal one vote, like in the democracies of the old Europe, not with the same voting system with an intermediary college as another big country we know: China.
I cannot decide which of USA and China will be the first one to move away from their present election system and go for a democratic system with no intermediate college and two rounds of voting... for the President as well as for the legislative assembly!
Until then, we are looking in 2016 at a show where two candidates are openly at war with the establishment of the party they want to represent... only in the USA...?
READ ALSO 160415 blog: "The preacher, the gambler, the blonde and the socialist".
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In 2016, offer "The Legend of the Wolf - Journey to the West"
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