De nos jours, on ne comprend pas pourquoi les gouvernements ne réagissent pas immédiatement quand des actes de guerre sont commis dans le Village. Le gouvernement syrien attaque un village a l'arme chimique, et...? Dans le passé, a quelle vitesse les gouvernements ont-ils réagi...?
L'Allemagne a envahi la Belgique et la France fin 1914.
Deux ans et demi plus tard, le 6 Avril 1917, les Etats Unis entraient en guerre contre l'Allemagne et aidaient a remporter la victoire finale en un an, après avoir perdu 50,000 soldats américains. A noter... 66,000 soldats canadiens y perdront également leurs vies... dont 3.600 (et 7,000 blesses) pour gagner la seule crête de Vimy dans le nord de la France, que les français et les anglais avaient perdu contre les allemands.
La Société des Nations était créée pour avoir un lieu ou les pays du Village pourraient débattre de leurs problèmes avant de s'entre tuer.
En 1937, le Japon a envahi la Chine.
En 1939, en représailles, les Etats Unis avaient imposé un embargo commercial sur le Japon.
Au printemps 1940, Hitler envahissait le Danemark et la Norvège, puis la Hollande et la Belgique, et attaquait le nord de la France.
En juin 1941, Hitler entamait son invasion de la Russie, erreur fatale...
Fin 1941, après des mois de négociation, les Etats Unis ont déposé un ultimatum au Japon pour se retirer de Chine, qui l'a refusé, et les deux pays sont entrés en guerre.
En Décembre 1941, Hitler déclarait la guerre aux Etats Unis par solidarité avec le Japon. Et les Etats Unis se retrouvaient enfin en guerre contre Hitler, 18 mois après l'invasion de plusieurs pays européens. Leur intervention fut déterminante pour que, trois ans plus tard, après des dizaines de millions de mort des deux cotés, dont la majorité de civils, Hitler et le Japon rendaient les armes.
Et la Société des Nations, qui n'avait pas pu empêcher la deuxième guerre mondiale, était remplacée par les Nations Unies, toujours pour avoir un forum ou tous les pays pourraient exprimer leurs points de vue. Mais on avait alors ajouté un Conseil de Sécurité, avec 5 membres permanents, qui auraient chacun un droit de veto sur toute décision, erreur fatale...
70 ans plus tard, force est de constater que...
- l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies en tant que forum pour débattre, cela marche, il faut la garder. Mais...
Il faudrait avoir le courage d'y aborder les questions qui fâchent, comme le soutien de l'Arabie Saoudite et du Qatar aux extrémistes musulmans...?
* Et pas sur que son siège devrait être au Etats Unis, impliqués dans presque tous les conflits dans le Village! Plutôt choisir un pays moins belliqueux non? Comme le Canada, et Montréal?
- Le Conseil de Sécurité ne marche pas.
* Il faut commencer par enlever le droit de veto a un seul pays, et exiger au moins 3 membres permanents sur 5 pour arrêter une proposition de décision.
70 ans... et toujours des milliers de morts (civils a 90%) dans le Village chaque année, plus les millions affectés par les guerres non déclarées, ça vaudrait le coup d'essayer les deux changements proposés non?
Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens.
Nowadays, we don't understand why governments are not reacting immediately when war crimes are committed in the Village. The Syrian government attacks a village with chemical weapons, and...? In the past, with what speed did the governments reacted...?...
Germany invaded Belgium and France at the end of 1914.
Two years later, on April 6, 1917, the USA declared war to Germany and helped win the war within a year, after they lost over 50,000 American soldiers. To be noted also: 66,000 Canadian soldiers will lose their lives... including 3,600 (and 7,000 hurt) just to win the hill of Vimy, in the North of France, that the French and the English soldiers had lost against the Germans.
The Société des Nations was then created to have a place where countries of the Village could debate about their issues before starting killing each other.
In 1937, Japan invaded China.
In 1939, to show their disagreement, the USA imposed an economic embargo on Japan.
In spring 1940, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway. then Holland and Belgium, and attacked the north of France.
In June 1941, Hitler started his invasion of Russia, fatal mistake...
At the end of 1941, after months of negotiation, the USA gave an ultimatum to Japan to get out of China, which Japan refused, and both countries were at war.
In December 1941, Hitler declare war onto the USA in solidarity with Japan. And the USA were finally at war against Hitler, 18 months after the invasion of many European countries. The intervention fo the USA was key to win 3 years later, after dozens of millions of people killed on both sides, most of them civilians, and Hitler and Japan surrendered.
And the Société des Nations, which had been able to prevent the second world war was replaced by the United Nations, still to have a forum where all countries could express their point of view. But a Security Council was added, with 5 permanent members, which each would have a right of veto on any decision, fatal error...
70 years later, we must admit that...
- The General Assembly of the United Nations works as a forum to debate, it should be kept, but...
They should have the courage to discuss the questions which will embarrass such or such countries, like the support of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to the Extremist Muslims...?
* And I am not sure that the head office should be in the USA, engaged in most conflicts in the Village! Rather choose a non go-to-war country, no? like Canada, and Montreal?
- The Security Council does not work.
* First we should take away the veto right of a single country and replace it by a veto of at least 3 members out of the 5 permanent members to stop a proposed initiative.
70 years... and still thousands of people killed each year in the Village (90% civilians), plus the millions impacted by the non-declared wars, it should be worth a try, no? the 2 proposed changes above...?
Germany invaded Belgium and France at the end of 1914.
Two years later, on April 6, 1917, the USA declared war to Germany and helped win the war within a year, after they lost over 50,000 American soldiers. To be noted also: 66,000 Canadian soldiers will lose their lives... including 3,600 (and 7,000 hurt) just to win the hill of Vimy, in the North of France, that the French and the English soldiers had lost against the Germans.
The Société des Nations was then created to have a place where countries of the Village could debate about their issues before starting killing each other.
In 1937, Japan invaded China.
In 1939, to show their disagreement, the USA imposed an economic embargo on Japan.
In spring 1940, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway. then Holland and Belgium, and attacked the north of France.
In June 1941, Hitler started his invasion of Russia, fatal mistake...
At the end of 1941, after months of negotiation, the USA gave an ultimatum to Japan to get out of China, which Japan refused, and both countries were at war.
In December 1941, Hitler declare war onto the USA in solidarity with Japan. And the USA were finally at war against Hitler, 18 months after the invasion of many European countries. The intervention fo the USA was key to win 3 years later, after dozens of millions of people killed on both sides, most of them civilians, and Hitler and Japan surrendered.
And the Société des Nations, which had been able to prevent the second world war was replaced by the United Nations, still to have a forum where all countries could express their point of view. But a Security Council was added, with 5 permanent members, which each would have a right of veto on any decision, fatal error...
70 years later, we must admit that...
- The General Assembly of the United Nations works as a forum to debate, it should be kept, but...
They should have the courage to discuss the questions which will embarrass such or such countries, like the support of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to the Extremist Muslims...?
* And I am not sure that the head office should be in the USA, engaged in most conflicts in the Village! Rather choose a non go-to-war country, no? like Canada, and Montreal?
- The Security Council does not work.
* First we should take away the veto right of a single country and replace it by a veto of at least 3 members out of the 5 permanent members to stop a proposed initiative.
70 years... and still thousands of people killed each year in the Village (90% civilians), plus the millions impacted by the non-declared wars, it should be worth a try, no? the 2 proposed changes above...?
Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.
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