Le débat entre les deux candidats du second tour de l'élection presidentielle francaise a eu lieu. Je resume... Leur programme a tous les deux est le même:
"mon adversaire est incompetent, et som programme est contre les interets de la France... parlons en de son programme..."!
A mon avis match nul. Ceux qui attendaient le debat pour choisir vont a mon avis choisir:
- Macron, si ils penchaient legerement pour Macron avant le debat
- LePen, si ils penchaient legerement pour LePen avant le debat.
Quand a moi, je suis pour une France moteur et conscience d'une Europe ou les conditions sociales et fiscales seraient uniformisées: impots sur les societes, impots sur les personnes, conditions de retraite, protection de sante, etc...
- LePen ne l'admettra jamais.
- Quand a Macron.. il n'a pas dit un mot sur le sujet, pour ne pas facher son electorat bigarré... Clairement il va continuer avec l'Europe d'aujourd'hui, laissee aux financiers, aux commerciaux, et a l'administration de Bruxelles. Pas d'accord. Ou bien on choisit cette uniformisation, ou bien l'Europe va aller plus mal.
Macron avait cree son mouvement il y a quelques mois sous les conseils et le financement d'un milliardaire qui le soutenait, et qui pensait a sa candidature dans 5 ans. Mais le milliardaire est decede apres quelques mois... et Macron s'est retrouve au deuxieme tour sans la preparation et l'experience necessaire, essayant de survivre aux contradictions de ceux qui le soutiennent, et sans mentor senior a ses cotes, encore aujourd'hui.
Donc... je voterai blanc, ce qui laissera Macron gagner par 55 a 45%.
Je regretterai quand meme... que la France n'ait pas adopte certaines dispositions sur le vote blanc comme dans d'autres pays: si il y a plus de 50% de votes blancs, alors... l'election est annulee, et reportee. Et dans certains pays, les deux candidats ont meme interdiction de se representer!
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The debate between both candidates at the French Presidential election just happened. I will resume... Their program for both is the same:
"my opponent is not competent for the function, and his/her program is against the interests of France. Let's talk about his/her program..."!
In my opinion, a draw. Those who were waiting for the debate to choose will choose in my opinion:
- Macron, if they were slightly thinking o voting Macron before the debate
- LePen, if they were slightly thinking of voting LePen before the debate.
As for me, I am for a France leading and conscience of a Europe where the social and fiscal conditions would be uniform: taxes on companies, taxes on people, retirement conditions, health protection, etc...
- LePen will never admit it.
- As for Macron.. he did not say a word on the subject, so he would not alienate his mixed electorate... Clearly he is going to keep going with today's Europe, left to the financial, commercial and the administration in Bruxelles. I don't agree. Either we go for this uniformisation, or Europe is going to be worse.
Macron had created his movement a few months ago on the advice and supported financially by a billionaire, so he could be ready in 5 years. But the billionaire died after a few months. Macron ended up on the second round of the election without the necessary preparation and experience, trying to survive to the contradictions of those supporting him, and without a senior mentor on his side, even today.
So... I will go and vote but will put no name in the envelop. called a "white" vote. Which means Macron will win by 55 to 45%.
I will though regret that... France did not adopt some by-laws regarding "white votes", like in some other countries: if there are more than 50% of "white votes", then... the election is cancelled and pushed back. And in some countries, the two candidates are even forbidden to be candidates to the new election!
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