
* USA - Ca fait désordre... / A bit messy...



Sur la photo récente ci-dessus, le president des Etats Unis Mr Trump montre fièrement sa signature sur le dernier rapport de la Maison Blanche (son gouvernement) a propos du deficit commercial des Etats Unis avec le reste du Village.
Le rapport écrit (a trois reprises) que les Etats Unis ont un surplus commercial en leur faveur avec le Canada! Plus de 2 milliards de dollars...
Cela n’empêche pas le president de proclamer depuis un an que le deficit est en défaveur des USA et que le Canada joue avec les USA...
Mais bon, tout le monde sait maintenant que ce president n'est en fait qu'un promoteur immobilier de New York et un tribun populaire de foire qui ne s’embarrasse pas des faits. Il devrait peut-être envoyer son CV pour une échoppe de marchand de tapis a Tabriz... en Iran? Je plaisante...
D'accord, le ridicule ne tue pas, mais quand meme, pour un president des Etats Unis, ca fait un peu désordre non?... depuis plus d'un an...

Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens, surtout aux USA et Canada.

See above recent picture: the President of the US of A Mr Trump shows proudly his signature on the last report from the White House (his government) regarding the trade deficit of the US of A with the rest of the Village.
Th reports says (on three occasions) that the US of A have in fact a trade surplus with Canada! Over 2 billion dollars...
Nevertheless this does not prevent the President to proclame over the last 12 months that the surplus is in favor of Canada, which is playing with the US of A...
But oh well, every one knows by now that this President is in fact only a real estate - property developer from New York and a popular market speaker who does not care much about the facts. Maybe he could send his CV for a stall (selling rugs) in the covered market of Tabriz... in Iran? Just kidding...
Right, being ridiculous will not kill you, but still, for the President of the US of A, it seems a bit messy no?... since over a year now...

Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians, mainly from USA and Canada


Montreal Hockey / NHL


Blog pour mes amis qui suivent les Canadiens de Montreal, équipe de hockey glorieuse dans les années... je ne me souviens plus...!
A mon avis il faut échanger d'urgence le capitaine et son assistant (Pacioretti et Plekanec) et le general manager (Bergevin).

* Les deux joueurs, car ils ne marquent plus les buts qu'on a le droit d'attendre d'eux vu leur niveau de salaire. Faire des passes aux jeunes pour qu'ils marquent ne suffit pas.
Le hockey de nos jour me semble etre une affaire de joueurs...
- soit expérimentés hors pair, qui marquent des buts et s'imposent comme les leaders de l’équipe. Il en faut un ou deux dans une equipe, et eux deux ne sont pas ou plus de ce calibre.
- soit jeunes pour tenir tout un match a grande vitesse, car les adversaires patinent de plus en plus vite et de mieux en mieux.
Merci quand meme aux deux joueurs pour les souvenirs...!

* Le general manager, car depuis plusieurs années ses decisions (Radulov... Markov...!) donnent des résultats de plus en plus désastreux, et l'excuse de rebâtir ne tient plus.

Si les vedettes bien payees ne marquent pas... revenez sur terre messieurs les dirigeants.
Les Canadiens ont beaucoup de jeunes, prometteurs. Bravo.
Les Canadiens ont des arrières, dont un arrière de grande qualité échangé l'an dernier contre Subban (mais indisponible depuis 2 mois).
Mais il leur manque d'urgence un attaquant de très très haut niveau, de preference moins de 30 ans, et qui marque des buts.

Je reserve mon commentaire pour le gardien de but re-signé l'an dernier a prix d'or (Price) qui m'a paru parait avoir perdu un peu de sa vitesse de déplacement lateral ou son œil d'aigle en plusieurs occasions récentes. Peut-il revenir a son niveau d'il y a 2 ans?...

En attendant, pour la premiere fois depuis... 20 ans?... il y a des places a vendre la veille des matches, dans plusieurs sections, du jamais vu depuis très très longtemps...
Les fans, dont je fais partie, attendent une étincelle qui ne vient pas...

Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis sportifs et la famille Molson...

Blog for my friends who follow the Canadians of Montreal, a very famous hockey team... in the years... I can't remember...!
In my opinion three people need to be exchanged quickly, the captain and his assistant (Pacioretti and Plekanec) and the general manager (Bergevin).

* Both players, as they do not score anymore the goals we expect them to score, in view of their salary. Passing the puck to younger players for them to score is not enough.
Nowadays, hockey seems to be for players...
- either very experimented, who score goals and are true leaders of their teams. You need one or two in each team, and these two players do not make the cut anymore.
- either young layers who will last the whole game at high speed, as the opponents are skating faster and faster and better and better.
Thanks though to both players for the memories...!

* The general manager, as over the last years his decisions (Radulov...Markov...!) have given disastrous results, and the excuse that the team is being rebuilt does not hold anymore.

If the top well paid players do not score... come back to earth gentlemen of the top management.
The Canadians have plenty of young and promising players, bravo.
The Canadians have some good defense men, including one of high caliber exchanged last year against Subban (but on medical leave over the last 2 months).
But they need urgently a goal scorer of a high caliber, preferably under 30 years old, and who scores goals.

I will withhold my comment about the goal keeper who was re-signed at a very high price (Price) who seemed to me as having lost a bit his speed to move laterally or his eagle eye in a few recent occasions. Can he come back to his level of 2 years ago?...

Meanwhile, for the first time over the last... 20 years?... there are seats for sale on the evening of each game, in many areas of the arena, never seen since... I can't remember...
The supporters, whom I am part of, are awaiting a spark which is not coming...

Thanks for sharing this blog with your hockey friends and the Molson family.


** USA kids vs Australian kids / Enfants américains vs enfants australiens


(Français ci-dessous)

Last Wednesday, 17 students were killed in a school in Florida, USA. The student who killed them used an AK15, automatic firearm, already used in more than 50% of the  major school shootings to-date in the USA.
These automatic firearms were banned in the USA from 1994 to 2004. Since then... the American legislators cannot decide on reinstating the ban.
Australia had one mass shooting in a school, in 1996. The prime minister then immediately banned for ever automatic firearms, and... no more mass shootings in the schools since then.
My conclusion: Australians are more serious about the safety of their children in the schools than the Americans. And don't blame only President Trump... who has been President since 2004...???????
And the issue is FIRST the ban of automatic and semi-automatic firearms, in fact any firearms able to shoot more than what you need to defend yourself... 2 or 6 bullets, right?!

All parents of  assassinated american children in a school since 2004 should launch a class action against the American legislators and the NRA for non assistance to people in danger?
(the same message on Twitter has just been taken out by Twitter... it is not only Trump and the American legislators who are under the lobbying of the NRA?)

Source Wikipedia:

"In January 1989, 34 children and a teacher were shot in Stockton, California, USA, using a semi-automatic replica of an AK-47 assault rifle. Five children died. President George H.W. Bush banned the import of semi-automatic rifles in March 1989, and made the ban permanent in July.

In May 1993, former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan, wrote to the United States House of Representatives in support of banning "semi-automatic assault guns." They cited a 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll that found 77 percent of Americans supported a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of such weapons. Rep. Jack Brooks, D-TX, then chair of the House Judiciary Committee, tried to remove the ban from the crime bill but failed.
The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, commonly called the federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB and AWB 1994), was enacted in September 1994. The ban, including a ban on high-capacity magazines, became defunct (expired) in September 2004 per a 10-year sunset provision.
The proposed bill H.R.4269, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015, was introduced on December 16 of 2015 to the 114th United States Congress, sponsored by Representative David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island along with 123 original co-sponsors, it currently has 149 co-sponsors This legislation states that its purpose is "To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes."
The proposed legislation targets various firearm accessories, including the barrel shroud (a safety covering for the barrel of the firearm to prevent the operator from burning his or her hands as the barrel becomes heated after the firing of multiple rounds), pistol grip, and certain types of firearm stocks such as telescoping or collapsing stocks. Also included are lists of various classes and models of firearms, including semi-automatic firearmsmodern sporting riflesassault weaponssemi-automatic pistolssemi-automatic shotguns, and others, some of which have already been banned or restricted under existing legislation including grenade launchers. The legislation also proscribes high-capacity magazines."

Thanks to share this blog with your friends and politicians, MAINLY the American politicians.

Mercredi dernier, 17 élvess ont été tues dans une école en Floride, aux Etats Unis. L’élève qui les a tués a utilise un AK15, arme automatique, déjà utilisée dans plus de la moitie des tueries dans les écoles américaines a ce jour.
Ces armes automatiques ont été bannies aux Etats Unis de 1994 a 2004. Depuis... les législateurs américains ne peuvent pas decider de revoter l'interdiction.
L'Australie a eu une tuerie de masse dans une école en 1996. Le premier ministre a alors immédiatement interdit a jamais ces armes automatiques, et depuis... plus de tuerie de masse dans les écoles.
Ma conclusion: les Australiens sont plus sérieux sur la sécurité de leurs enfants dans les écoles que les américains. Et ne blâmez pas que le president Trump... qui a été president depuis 2004...??????
Et le problème est en PRIORITE l’interdiction des armes automatiques et semi-automatiques, en fait de toute arme a feu qui peut tirer plus de balles que vous n'en avez besoin pour vous défendre... 2 ou 6 balles, d'accord?!

Tous les parents des enfants  assassinés dans les écoles depuis 2004 devraient lancer une action en justice contre les législateurs américains et la NRA pour non assistance a personne en danger?
(le meme message sur Twitter vient d'etre supprime par Twitter... il n y a pas que Trump et les legislateurs americains qui sont sous le lobbying de la NRA?)

Source Wikipedia:

"In January 1989, 34 children and a teacher were shot in Stockton, California, USA, using a semi-automatic replica of an AK-47 assault rifle. Five children died. President George H.W. Bush banned the import of semi-automatic rifles in March 1989, and made the ban permanent in July.
In May 1993, former presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan, wrote to the United States House of Representatives in support of banning "semi-automatic assault guns." They cited a 1993 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll that found 77 percent of Americans supported a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of such weapons. Rep. Jack Brooks, D-TX, then chair of the House Judiciary Committee, tried to remove the ban from the crime bill but failed.
The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, commonly called the federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB and AWB 1994), was enacted in September 1994. The ban, including a ban on high-capacity magazines, became defunct (expired) in September 2004 per a 10-year sunset provision.
The proposed bill H.R.4269, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2015, was introduced on December 16 of 2015 to the 114th United States Congress, sponsored by Representative David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island along with 123 original co-sponsors, it currently has 149 co-sponsors This legislation states that its purpose is "To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes."
The proposed legislation targets various firearm accessories, including the barrel shroud (a safety covering for the barrel of the firearm to prevent the operator from burning his or her hands as the barrel becomes heated after the firing of multiple rounds), pistol grip, and certain types of firearm stocks such as telescoping or collapsing stocks. Also included are lists of various classes and models of firearms, including semi-automatic firearmsmodern sporting riflesassault weaponssemi-automatic pistolssemi-automatic shotguns, and others, some of which have already been banned or restricted under existing legislation including grenade launchers. The legislation also proscribes high-capacity magazines."

TMerci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens, SURTOUT ceux des USA.


St Valentin / Valentine's day


En France et en Angleterre, la St Valentin est la fête des amoureux, une histoire d'amour romantique entre deux personnes, un "je t'aime" les yeux dans les yeux...
C'est également le cas en Amérique du Sud.

Aux Etats Unis, la St Valentin est plus une fête commerciale, avec des dépenses estimées a 18 milliards de dollars l'an dernier. On mélange un peu tout, amour, compassion, sympathie, gentillesse avec les voisins, la maîtresse d’école pour les enfants, etc... Mais bon, dans un pays ou le port des armes a feu est autorisé en public sous votre veste, c'est un début je suppose, pour oublier la violence pendant 24 heures.

En Chine... on va fabriquer et exporter 90% des petits cadeaux que les américains vont s’échanger... a part les chocolats qui seront fabriqués en Angleterre, au Canada ou aux USA et les roses qui viendront d'Equateur et de Colombie..
Mais les Chinois fêtent aussi une fête des amoureux, a une autre date, en célébrant la journée ou un gardien de vaches / chevaux peut enfin rejoindre la servante qu'il aime, une histoire tirée des étoiles du ciel. Pragmatiques, mais romantiques quand même ces chinois...

Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis (et la maîtresse d’école aux USA)

In France and in England, Valentine's day is a day of celebration for lovers,  a romantic story between two people, "I love you" with their eyes into each other...
Also the case in South America.

In the USA, Valentine's day is more a commercial celebration, with spending estimated around 18 billions dollars last year. They mix a bit everything, love, compassion, sympathie, kindness with your neighbors, the teacher for the kids, etc... But wait, in a country where you can carry a concealed firearm under your jacket or buy an automatic gun without any credential, it is a start I guess, to forget violence during 24 hours.

In China... they will fabricate an export 90% of the small gifts that Americans are going to exchange... except the chocolate produced in England, Canada and the USA, and the roses coming from Ecuador and Colombia.
But Chinese people also have a lover's day, on another day, celebrating the day when a cow herder can finally meet the maid he loves, a story inspired by the stars in the sky. Pragmatic, but still romantic these Chinese people...

Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends (and the school teacher in the USA)


*** Enfants dans la rue... / Kids in the street...


Les casinos financiers s'affolent... Un cabriolet a moteur electrique est dans l'espace... L'hiver est bien toujours la... 
Alors respirez et cliquez pour quelques instants de musique...

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The financial casinos are on fire... An electric sports car is in space... Winter is still well there...
So take a deep breath and click for a few minutes of music...

Dont miss any performer...

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