La Russie a
offert d'enrichir l'uranium produit par l'Iran en Russie. J'ai lu il y a deux
semaines que l'Iran avait accepté. Qu'est-il arrivé?... nous avons le droit de
savoir...? La rumeur voudrait que les USA veulent rester en charge d'une
coalition qui imposerait des sanctions, et éventuellement ensuite escalader a
une operation militaire avec l'accord de tout le monde. En attendant, le mois
dernier les Nations Unies ont ouvert un bureau en Iran. La solution proposée
par "Mon Village" est simple:
1. La Russie confirme sa proposition
d'enrichir l'uranium Iranien, disons pour 5 ans. Les détails sont envoyés aux
Nations Unies, qui copieront toutes les Nations, y compris l'Iran, les Etats
Unis, Israel et la Chine. Et les médias.
2. Les Nations Unies votent pour
accepter la proposition et donnent des dates butoirs pour faire le premier
envoi en Russie, avec des observateurs des Nations Unies présents. Un délai de
3 mois devrait permettre la finalisation de la date par l'Iran et la Russie.
3. Si l'Iran ne respecte pas les dates
butoirs, des sanctions internationales s'appliqueront immédiatement, avec un
objectif de mettre de la pression sur le gouvernement, pas sur les habitants de
l'Iran. Un embargo total ne marche pas et affecte seulement les habitants, avec
un marché noir et des pays voisins trop contents d'aider... Et le pays que vous
avez ciblé risque d'utiliser l'embargo pour encourager l'esprit de martyr et le
4. Vous n'annoncez pas a l'avance les
sanctions, pas de publicité. Vous les appliquez a 8 heures du matin... ensuite
vous prévenez les medias.
Quelques idées de sanctions:
a/ Fermer l’ambassade et les Consulats
d'Iran (pas les business Iraniens établis dans votre pays qui ne traitent pas
d'armes ou autres fournitures sensibles...). Puisque les autorités Iraniennes
n'acceptent pas les décisions internationales, enlevez tous les visas
diplomatiques. Mais gardez ouverte la représentation Iranienne aux Nations
Unies, qu'ils puissent voyager et venir négocier. Quoi?... le siège est a New
York, aux Etats Unis?... il est temps de changer le siège... (voir blog
b/ Geler les comptes bancaires Iraniens,
y compris en Suisse. Et pourquoi pas également les comptes bancaires privés des
membres du gouvernement?... Mais autoriser tous les transferts pour achats de
nourriture et médicaments.
c/ Si la Suisse refuse de co-opérer,
fermer également l'Ambassade et les Consulats Suisses... et arrêtez
immédiatement de manger du chocolat Suisse...
d/ Ne mangez plus de pistaches venant
d'Iran. Je sais... très dur, car ce sont les meilleures au monde... mais nous
devons tous participer aux sanctions... L'Iran a besoin de ses revenus
pétroliers pour financer leur système éducatif, mais ils pourraient se rebiffer
avec des sanctions sur le pétrole. Obliger les pays a respecter les decisions internationales a un prix, qui doit être payé
par tous. Et il faut faire respecter les règles internationales. Par les
Nations Unies, pas par les USA.
Mais... seulement vous… pouvez sanctionner le chocolat
Suisse ou les pistaches Iraniennes...!
has offered to enrich Iran uranium in Russia. I did read 2 weeks ago that Iran
had accepted. What happened then...? Don't we have the right to know...? Rumor
has it that the USA want to stay in charge of a coalition to impose sanctions,
and possibly later escalate to a military strike with everyone agreement. In
the meantime, United Nations opened an office in Iran last month. "My
Village" solution is quite simple:
1. Russia confirms publicly their invitation to
enrich uranium produced by Iran, say for the next 5 years. Details should be
sent to the United Nations, who will copy all countries, including Iran, USA,
Israel and China. And the world media.
2. The United Nations vote to accept the plan and give the dates between which the first shipment must be made, with some United Nations observers present. A window of 3 months should allow finalisation by Iran and Russia of the precise date.
3. If Iran does not respect the dates set, international sanctions should be applied immediately, with the objective to hurt the government which is not respecting international decisions, not the people of Iran. Total embargo has proven ineffective and hurting only the people in all previous cases, with black market very much alive and many
people or other neighbouring countries too glad to help... And the attacked government generally uses the embargo to promote martyrdom and encourage terrorism.
4. Sanctions should not be warned or publicized. Just do it... at 8 am... then tell the media.
2. The United Nations vote to accept the plan and give the dates between which the first shipment must be made, with some United Nations observers present. A window of 3 months should allow finalisation by Iran and Russia of the precise date.
3. If Iran does not respect the dates set, international sanctions should be applied immediately, with the objective to hurt the government which is not respecting international decisions, not the people of Iran. Total embargo has proven ineffective and hurting only the people in all previous cases, with black market very much alive and many
people or other neighbouring countries too glad to help... And the attacked government generally uses the embargo to promote martyrdom and encourage terrorism.
4. Sanctions should not be warned or publicized. Just do it... at 8 am... then tell the media.
Some ideas of sanction from "my
a/ Close Iran Embassies and Consulates (not Iran businesses established in your countries not dealing with weapons or other sensible supplies). Since Iran rulers do not accept to play by the International rules, stop visas to all embassy / consulate personnel. But do not close the Iran representation to the United Nations, so they can still travel there and negotiate. What?... it is in the USA, in New York?... time to change location (see earlier blog).
b/ Freeze Iranian government bank accounts, including in Switzerland. And possibly also private bank accounts owned by members of the government outside Iran? However freeze should not apply for purchases of food and medicine.
c/ If Switzerland refuses to cooperate, close also Switzerland Embassy and consulates... and stop eating Swiss chocolate immediately.
d/ Stop eating Iran pistachios. I know... very hard, because they are the best in the world... but we all have to participate to the sanctions.
Iran needs the money of the oil exports to fund their education system, but they could still retaliate with oil restrictions. Forcing respect of international rules has a price, which must be paid by all. And rules must be enforced. By the United Nations, not by the USA.
But... only you… can enforce sanction against Iran pistachios and Swiss chocolate...!
a/ Close Iran Embassies and Consulates (not Iran businesses established in your countries not dealing with weapons or other sensible supplies). Since Iran rulers do not accept to play by the International rules, stop visas to all embassy / consulate personnel. But do not close the Iran representation to the United Nations, so they can still travel there and negotiate. What?... it is in the USA, in New York?... time to change location (see earlier blog).
b/ Freeze Iranian government bank accounts, including in Switzerland. And possibly also private bank accounts owned by members of the government outside Iran? However freeze should not apply for purchases of food and medicine.
c/ If Switzerland refuses to cooperate, close also Switzerland Embassy and consulates... and stop eating Swiss chocolate immediately.
d/ Stop eating Iran pistachios. I know... very hard, because they are the best in the world... but we all have to participate to the sanctions.
Iran needs the money of the oil exports to fund their education system, but they could still retaliate with oil restrictions. Forcing respect of international rules has a price, which must be paid by all. And rules must be enforced. By the United Nations, not by the USA.
But... only you… can enforce sanction against Iran pistachios and Swiss chocolate...!
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