Le 27 Avril
1969, le président Francais, le Général de Gaulle, demandait aux Francais par
référendum de modifier la Constitution, en y incluant les régions créées
quelques années avant avec tout pouvoir en terme éconmique sur l'urbanisation
et le développement économique et social, et en diminuant les pouvoirs du Sénat
comme par exemple de pouvoir passer des lois, qui seraient réservées a la seule
majorité de l'Assemblée Nationale législative. Les Francais avaient rejeté la
proposition. Depuis... En France les régions se sont imposées comme les
facteurs economiques et sociaux les plus décisifs. En Belgique, les trois
régions fonctionnent depuis un an sans gouvernement fédéral, un record au
Village... Si vous n'avez pas votre propre monnaie (utilisation de l'Euro), et
si vous ne souhaitez pas etre présent a l'étranger militairement autrement que
par une décision Européenne, avez-vous vraiment besoin d'un niveau fédéral au
dessus des provinces...? En France, les cantons et départements laissent peu a
peu tout le pouvoir aux Régions économiques et sociales. La Belgique pourrait etre
le premier pays Européen a demander a etre dans l'Europe seulement par ses
trois régions... Leur roi n'aurait sans doute rien a y re-dire, il n'a déja
pratiquement aucun pouvoir, et son ancètre avait refusé le royaume de Grèce
avant d'accepter un parachutage sur le royaume de Belgique.
Quant aux Belges, ils pourraient alors se concentrer sur leurs bienfaits a notre civilisation, dont ils peuvent etre fiers: la bière, les chocolats haut de gamme, un humour inégalé, et... touche pas a mes frites!
Pourraient alors suivre dans l'Europe... la Corse? la Catalogne?...
Quant aux Belges, ils pourraient alors se concentrer sur leurs bienfaits a notre civilisation, dont ils peuvent etre fiers: la bière, les chocolats haut de gamme, un humour inégalé, et... touche pas a mes frites!
Pourraient alors suivre dans l'Europe... la Corse? la Catalogne?...
Merci de
relire cette page dans 40 ans...
April 27 1969, French president, the General de Gaulle, asked the Frenchmen in
a referendum to modify the Constitution so it could include the economic and
social Regions created a few years ago, given all power for economic and social
development and urbanisation, and so it would also include a reduction of the
powers of the Senate, like voting some laws, which would have been reserved
only to the majority of the National Legislative Assembly. Frenchmen rejected
the proposal.
Since then... In France the Regions have imposed themselves as the key factors in the economic and social development.
In Belgium, the three Regions have been working for over a year now without a federal government, a record in the Village...
If you do not have your own money (using Euro), and if you do not want to be present militarily outside your country other than from a decision from the European government, do you really need a federal government above your Regions / provinces...?
In France, cantons and departments have slowly let all power go the Regions for economic and social matters.
Belgium could become the first European country to ask being in Europe only through its three Regions... Their King would probably have nothing to say, he already has almost no power left, and his ancestor had refused the kingdom of Greece before being offered the kingdom of Belgium.
As for the Belgians, they could finally concentrate on their input to our civilisation, which they should be proud of: beer, high quality chocolate, tremendous sense of humour, and... don't touch my fries!
Next to imitate them into Europe could be... Corsica? Catalogna?
Since then... In France the Regions have imposed themselves as the key factors in the economic and social development.
In Belgium, the three Regions have been working for over a year now without a federal government, a record in the Village...
If you do not have your own money (using Euro), and if you do not want to be present militarily outside your country other than from a decision from the European government, do you really need a federal government above your Regions / provinces...?
In France, cantons and departments have slowly let all power go the Regions for economic and social matters.
Belgium could become the first European country to ask being in Europe only through its three Regions... Their King would probably have nothing to say, he already has almost no power left, and his ancestor had refused the kingdom of Greece before being offered the kingdom of Belgium.
As for the Belgians, they could finally concentrate on their input to our civilisation, which they should be proud of: beer, high quality chocolate, tremendous sense of humour, and... don't touch my fries!
Next to imitate them into Europe could be... Corsica? Catalogna?
this page again in 40 years please…