
* Coup de pied au derriere... / Kick in the butt...

Les Sunnites qui tuent les civils Shiites en Syrie ou en Iraq, crient avant leur attaque: "Allah est grand!"
Les Shiites qui tuent les civils Sunnites en Syrie ou en Iraq, crient avant leur attaque: "Allah est grand!"
Match nul...
Depuis treize siècles et sans doute des millions de morts, Allah (Dieu) a eu le temps de choisir son camp, non?
En fait il ou elle préfère tout simplement la paix (Salam - Islam) dans le Village, et aimerait sans doute bien donner un coup de pied au derrière de tous ces excités musulmans aveugles et sourds a ses appels...

The Sunnites who are killing the Shiites civilians in Syria or in Iraq shout before their attack: "Allah is great!"
The Shiites who are killing the Sunnites civilians in Syria or in Iraq, shout before their attack: "Allah is great!"
It's a draw...
After 13 centuries and millions of victims, Allah (God) has had plenty of time to choose his / her side, no?
Truth is that He or She prefers more simply Peace (Salam - Islam) in the Village, and would probably love kicking in the butt all these excited Muslim people, blind and deaf to his or her calls... 

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