
Armes automatiques / Automatic fireamrs

Un australien a ecrit:
"Entre 1979 et 1996 (18 ans), l'Australie a connu 13 incidents de massacres par armes a feu (qui ont fait 5 victimes ou plus, non compris le criminel), dans lequel 104 personnes sont mortes. Depuis 21 ans que la nouvelle loi de 1996 a suivi le massacre de Port Arthur, nous avons eu 0 massacres"
La loi de 1996 a interdit l’accès aux armes a feu automatiques ou semi automatiques pour tous les civils australiens.
Le president Bush Jr a refuse de renouveler la loi qui interdisait aux USA l’accès des civils aux armes automatiques ou semi-automatiques.
Ensuite le president Obama a eu le contrôle du congres pendant plus de 2 ans, il n'a rien fait. Il a préféré donner la priorité a Obamacare. Mais la prolongation de la loi contre l’accès aux armes automatiques et semi-automatiques aurait du être une des ses priorités?
Que va faire le nouveau president? a votre avis...?
Et quel sujet va être de nouveau tabou dans les prochaines elections législatives aux USA...?

Merci de partager ce blog avec vos amis et politiciens.

An Australian wrote:
"In the 18 years between 1979 and April 1996, Australia experienced 13 mass shootings (defined as having five or more victims, not including the perpetrator), in which 104 people died. In the 21 years and five months since the Port Arthur massacre and the passage of the law that followed swiftly afterward, we have seen precisely none."
The 1996 law has forbidden the access to automatic or semi-automatic firearms for all Australian civilians.
President Bush Jr has refused to renew the law which was forbidding access to the automatic and semi-automatic firearms to all civilians.
Then President Obama had control of the congress for over 2 years, but he did nothing. He choosed to give priority to Obamacare. But renewing the law against general access to automatic or semi automatic firearms should have been one his priorities, right?
What is the new President going to do? in your opinion...?
And what subject is going taboo, again, in the next legislative elections in the USA...?

Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians.

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