Trumpistan (aka) USA COVID19 7 day average cases
Le president du Trumpistan avait dit en Mai 2020 que si les USA avaient moins de 200,000 morts dus a la COVID19, son gouvernement aurait fait un très bon boulot... Ils en sont a 400,000 morts... pour l'instant...
Il va rester dans l'histoire des USA comme le pire president, pour tout... la dette gonflée de 50% en 4 ans, la crise du COVID19, l'abandon de l'Europe et la perte de crédibilité en politique extérieure, l'appel a l'insurrection contre l'Asssemblee legislative - la chambre des représentants, le seul president a avoir été destitue a deux reprises par l'Assemblee legislative, etc...
Encore quelques jours... adieu Trumpistan, bonjour les États Unis d'Amerique
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The President of Trumpistan said last May that if the USA had less than 200,000 deaths due to COVID19, his government would have done a very good job... They are at 400,000 deaths... and counting...
He is going to stay in the History of the USA as their worst President ever, for everything... the national debt increased by 50% in 4 years, the crisis of the COVID19, abandoning Europe and losing credibility on the international scene, the call for insurrection against the Chamber of representatives - Legislative Assembly, the only President to have been impeached on two occasions by the Chamber of representatives, etc...
A few more days... Bye bye Trumpistan... Good morning USA...
Thanks for sharing this blog with your friends and politicians
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