La semaine dernière... Des jeunes juifs israéliens
ont lynché un jeune palestinien simplement parcequ'il était arabe... et une
fois arrêtés, les agresseurs ont avoué qu'ils le referaient s'ils en avaient
Des juifs israéliens ont également mis le
feu a la porte d'un couvent chrétien en peignant des injures contre Jésus sur
les murs extérieurs.
Le Village connait et combat les
manifestations antisémites, contre les juifs et les arabes. Va-t-on devoir
inventer un nouveau mot pour qualifier les manifestations antichrétiennes et antimusulmanes
de la droite extrémiste juive israélienne, qui ne se cache plus, se sentant
soutenue par une partie de la population silencieuse?
AUCUN pays n'apporte la paix et le bonheur
a ses citoyens et ses voisins lorsqu'il est dominé exclusivement par une
religion. Cela devrait faire réfléchir le Village, non...? bien entendu c'est
la faute des autres...
La laïcité et le respect de toutes les
religions sont le seul salut du Village dans sa recherche du bonheur et de la
paix. Par respect, j'entends... non pas... simplement non-violence... mais
respect et acceptation qu'il y a plusieurs chemins pour gravir la montagne...
et que se vouloir supérieur aux autres religions ou vouloir convertir tout le
Village sont au moins aussi dangereux que la prolifération des armes
Last week... A few young Israeli Jews have beaten and left for dead a young Palestinian
only because he was an Arab... and once they were arrested, they claimed that
they would do it again if they had the opportunity.
Some Israeli Jews set on fire the door of a Christian convent, painting insults on the walls against Jesus.
The Village knows about and fights the anti-Semitic actions, against the Jews and the Arabs. Are we going to invent a new word to qualify the anti-Christian and anti-Muslims actions of the extreme right in Israel, which is not even hiding, feeling supported by some of the silent population.
No country is bringing peace and happiness to their citizens and their neighbours when it is dominated exclusively by one religion. Matter to think for the Village, no...? of course the problem is with the other ones...
Secularism (non religious states) and respect of all religions are the only hope of the Village to find peace and happiness. When I say respect, I mean... not only non-violence... but respecting and accepting that there are more than one path to climb the mountain... and, that thinking that you are superior to the other religions or searching to impose your religion to the whole Village are at least as dangerous as the spreading of nuclear weapons.
Some Israeli Jews set on fire the door of a Christian convent, painting insults on the walls against Jesus.
The Village knows about and fights the anti-Semitic actions, against the Jews and the Arabs. Are we going to invent a new word to qualify the anti-Christian and anti-Muslims actions of the extreme right in Israel, which is not even hiding, feeling supported by some of the silent population.
No country is bringing peace and happiness to their citizens and their neighbours when it is dominated exclusively by one religion. Matter to think for the Village, no...? of course the problem is with the other ones...
Secularism (non religious states) and respect of all religions are the only hope of the Village to find peace and happiness. When I say respect, I mean... not only non-violence... but respecting and accepting that there are more than one path to climb the mountain... and, that thinking that you are superior to the other religions or searching to impose your religion to the whole Village are at least as dangerous as the spreading of nuclear weapons.
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