Le ministre du transport du Pakistan a
offert une prime de 100,000 US dollars a quiconque tuerait le producteur américain
du film "L'innocence de l'Islam". Il a aussi invite les Talibans a
participer a cette chasse a l'homme...
Je vous rappelle... Le Pakistan a des armes
C'est quoi la suite... un ministre
pakistanais qui donnerait quelques mini-bombes nucléaires aux Talibans pour régler
un problème avec l'Inde, Israel ou les Etats Unis...?
Et d'abord comment se fait-il que l'Inde et
le Pakistan aient pu développer l'arme atomique? que faisaient les Etats Unis
ou les inspecteurs des Nations Unies...?
Pakistan's minister
of transport has offered a personnel reward of 100,000 US dollars to anyone killing the
American producer of the film "Innocence of Islam". He also invited
the Talibans
to participate to this man's hunt.
Remember... Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
What's next... a Pakistan's minister giving a few nuclear mini-bombs to the Talibans to settle an issue they would have with India, Israel or the USA...?
And by the way, how come India and Pakistan were allowed to get nuclear weapons in the first place? what were the USA or the United Nations nuclear inspectors doing...?
Remember... Pakistan has nuclear weapons.
What's next... a Pakistan's minister giving a few nuclear mini-bombs to the Talibans to settle an issue they would have with India, Israel or the USA...?
And by the way, how come India and Pakistan were allowed to get nuclear weapons in the first place? what were the USA or the United Nations nuclear inspectors doing...?
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