La secrétaire d'etat américaine Hillary
Clinton a quitté son poste. Il était temps... le Village va célébrer...
Dans son discours de départ, elle a fait un
résumé de la situation internationale. J'ai lu que:
- elle reproche a la Russie et a l'Iran de soutenir la Syrie. Mon concierge
aussi, et moi aussi...
- elle affirme qu'elle a tout fait pour la création d'un gouvernement
d'opposition en Syrie. Sauf que les Etats Unis ont finalement du reconnaitre
fin 2012 le gouvernement d'opposition déjà reconnu par la France et l'Europe,
alors que les tentatives des USA pour créer un gouvernement différend ont
- enfin elle affirme qu'elle a tout fait pour isoler le président Assad...
Vu que les pays arabes (en majorite sunnites sauf l'Iran) ne le soutenaient pas
car il est shiite commandant a 90% de la population sunnite, et que les pays
occidentaux l'ont condamné pour crimes contre son peuple depuis longtemps, je
me demande auprès de qui elle a eu a agir... ?
Oublions la Russie et l'Iran en qui elle
n'a aucune confiance et qui le lui rendent bien...
La Chine? Elle ne s'intéresse pas aux
conflits qui ne menacent pas sa paix sociale, ses besoins energetiques, ou ses frontières.
Reste Haiti et Israel?
Oublions Haiti... c'était le boulot de son
mari Bill...
Mais c'est vrai qu'un dictateur syrien qui
avait accepté la reddition des hauteurs du Golan comme un fait accompli méritait
bien le soutien d'Israel, et qu'entre un dictateur sanguinaire syrien et un
printemps syrien qui amènerait des islamistes éventuellement au pouvoir, le
support d'Israël était vite choisi avec un silence coupable pendant des mois.
Dommage que la secrétaire d'état n'ait pas pu convaincre Israel plus tôt de
condamner immediatement le président syrien, ou de faire la paix avec les
Palestiniens en acceptant la création de l'état Palestinien. Mais sur ce point,
peut-être n'était-elle pas sur la même longueur d'onde que le président Obama?
Son bilan en Europe a tourné a la débâcle
après qu'elle ait envoyé un Email aux ambassades en 2011 leur demandant de
collecter toutes les informations personnelles et photos possibles sur les personnalités
politiques de tous les pays... y compris leurs mensurations, leurs habitudes et
je suppose leurs maitresses... Comme elle a également mal géré la demande de
renfort de l'ambassade libyenne juste avant l'attaque meurtrière,... son bilan
me parait très mince...
- Des lacunes graves comme simple administratrice d'un service essentiel
aux Etats Unis,
- Aucun impact sur la paix au Moyen Orient et en Israël,
- Aucun résultat international tangible, peut-être a cause de son mari et
de sa fondation d'ailleurs...
Malgré tout, le président Obama a tenu a
souligner ses résultats, "parmi les meilleurs a ce jour de tous les secrétaires d'état"
d'après son discours... je résume... la "crème de la crème"...
Je suppose qu'elle a va bientôt écrire un livre, comme ses prédécesseurs.
Je lui offre son titre:
"Les crèmes brulées de la mère Clinton"...
Je suppose qu'elle a va bientôt écrire un livre, comme ses prédécesseurs.
Je lui offre son titre:
"Les crèmes brulées de la mère Clinton"...
The American
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has left her job. About time... the Village is going to
celebrate. In her departure speech, she made a resume of the international
situation. I read:
- she did not like Russia and Iran supporting Syria. My janitor too, and me too....
- she did not like Russia and Iran supporting Syria. My janitor too, and me too....
- she
said that she had done everything possible to create an alternate government in
Syria. Except that the USA finally agreed to recognize the alternate
governmental already recognised by France and Europe, while all attempts by the
USA to create a different alternate government failed...
finally she said that she did everything she could to isolate the President
Assad... Since most Arab countries (Sunnites in majority, except Iran) do not
support him as he is a Shiite overseeing a population of 90% of Sunnites, and
since the western world condemned him for crimes against his people a long time
ago, I am just wondering whom did she tried to convince to isolate the Syrian
Forget Russia and
Iran that she never trusted, and they did too in return.
China? It is no interested in conflicts which do not threaten its social peace, its energy needs or its borders.
So maybe Haiti and Israel?
Forget Haiti... that was her husband's job, Bill...
But truly a Syrian dictator who had accepted the giving away of the Golan heights as a gimme did deserve the support of Israel, and between a bloody Syrian dictator and a Syrian Spring which would eventually bring some islamists into the government, the support of Israel was quickly chosen with a guilty silence over many months.
What a shame that the Secretary of State could not convince Israel earlier to condemn immediately the Syrian President, or to make peace with the Palestinians by accepting the creation of the Palestinian state. But on that point, maybe she was not in full agreement with the President Obama?
The bottom line in Europe turned a disaster after she sent an Email to all Embassies in 2011 asking that they collect all information and pictures on all political personalities... including their measurements, their habits and I guess their mistresses...
As she also mishandled the email from the American Embassy in Lybia requesting some security help just before the deadly attack,... her bottom line results appear very short to me...
- Some important mishandlings as a mere administrator of a key department of the USA government,
China? It is no interested in conflicts which do not threaten its social peace, its energy needs or its borders.
So maybe Haiti and Israel?
Forget Haiti... that was her husband's job, Bill...
But truly a Syrian dictator who had accepted the giving away of the Golan heights as a gimme did deserve the support of Israel, and between a bloody Syrian dictator and a Syrian Spring which would eventually bring some islamists into the government, the support of Israel was quickly chosen with a guilty silence over many months.
What a shame that the Secretary of State could not convince Israel earlier to condemn immediately the Syrian President, or to make peace with the Palestinians by accepting the creation of the Palestinian state. But on that point, maybe she was not in full agreement with the President Obama?
The bottom line in Europe turned a disaster after she sent an Email to all Embassies in 2011 asking that they collect all information and pictures on all political personalities... including their measurements, their habits and I guess their mistresses...
As she also mishandled the email from the American Embassy in Lybia requesting some security help just before the deadly attack,... her bottom line results appear very short to me...
- Some important mishandlings as a mere administrator of a key department of the USA government,
Zero or little impact on the Peace process in the Middle East and in Israel.
- No
mentionable international result on the international stage, maybe partly
because of her husband's foundation by the way...
Nevertheless, the President Obama
praised her in his speech, as "one the best Secretary of State of the USA
to-date"... I resume... the "creme de la creme"...
I guess she is going to write a book soon, like all her predecessors. I am offering her the title:
"The crèmes brulées of Auntie Clinton"...
I guess she is going to write a book soon, like all her predecessors. I am offering her the title:
"The crèmes brulées of Auntie Clinton"...
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