
France - Constitution

Article 1 de la Constitution française:
‘La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d'origine, de race ou de religion
Aurait-on oublié sans distinction de... ‘orientation sexuelle’, ou ’handicap physique ou mental’, ou ‘patrimoine familial’, ou ‘poste occupé’, ou… ?
Le Président Hollande a promis durant sa campagne électorale de supprimer le mot « race », et il est en passe de demander ce changement.
Je suis d’accord, mais
Pourquoi garder ‘religion’… ? Pourquoi garder ‘origine’… ?
Je propose tout simplement : «Elle assure l’égalité devant la Loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction aucune»
PS : Au fait, c’est quoi une "République sociale"… ? D’accord, ce n’est pas le mot ‘socialiste’… mais peut-être que ‘solidaire’ conviendrait mieux… ?

Article 1 of the French Constitution:
“France is a Republic, undivided, secular, democratic and social. It makes sure that, in front of the Law, all citizens are treated equally, without any distinction regarding their
origin, their race, or their religion
Did they forget without any distinction of... ‘sexual orientation’, and ‘physical or mental handicap’, and ‘family inheritance’, and ‘job position’, and…?
The President Hollande promised during his electoral campaign that he would remove the word ‘race’. And he is on the way to ask for it.
I agree, but
Why keep ‘religion’…? Why keep ‘origin’…?
I propose more simply: “It makes sure that in front of the Law all citizens are treated equally, without any
distinction whatsoever
PS: by the way, what does "social’ republic" means…? OK, it is not the word ‘socialist’but maybe ‘caring’ would be a better choice…?

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